Fight Face Wrinkles with Jojoba Oil


Medical Video: Jojoba Oil for Dry Skin : Professional Skin Care Help

The face is one part of the body that needs special attention. Because the face can reflect who you are at the same time emit self-charm. No wonder many people, especially women, are very healthy about facial skin. For those of you who want to look young and have skin that is always smooth, aging on facial skin can be the most feared thing. Aging is shown by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. As a result, your face may not look as fresh as it used to be. Therefore, you need to take special precautions and treatments for skin that has begun to experience aging.

Unfortunately, skin care to prevent premature aging usually makes your pockets quite drained. Either in the form of cosmetics that contain special formulas or actions such as facelift. However, it turns out there are tricks that you can try to prevent premature aging with natural ingredients that are safe for the skin and do not cost too much. One way is to use jojoba oil to fight wrinkles.

Why can the skin wrinkle?

The skin will become wrinkled due to aging. Aging on the skin of the body and face is something that happens naturally. To understand how the process of aging occurs, you need to know the properties of each layer of skin. The skin consists of three layers, namely the epidermis (epidermis), dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin that is responsible for protecting the skin from water, infections, and bacteria. The dermis or the second layer consists of nerves, fat, blood vessels, sweat glands, oil glands, collagen fibers, and elastin fibers. Collagen fibers and elastin fibers function to maintain skin elasticity. The deepest layer, hypodermis, contains fat which will keep the body warm.

When entering the age of 20, collagen fibers produced by the dermis every year decreased by one percent. Collagen and elastin fibers stored in the dermis will clot and stretch. As a result, the elasticity of the skin will diminish and gradually relax. When you reach your 40s, your skin won't produce collagen anymore. This is what causes the appearance of lines of aging and wrinkles on the skin of the body and face. At the age of 50, the oil glands in the dermis will shrink so that the skin becomes increasingly dry and sensitive.

Beyond the age factor, wrinkles on the face can also occur due to environmental and lifestyle factors. Things that can trigger premature aging such as excessive alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, lack of drinking water, stress, smoking, and exposure to the sun too often.

What are jojoba plants actually?

You will often hear the term jojoba (read "hohoba") in various skin care products. However, do you know where jojoba came from? Jojoba is a type of shrub (in the form of shrubs) that grows in the deserts of Mexico and the southwestern United States. This plant can withstand various temperatures and weather. Jojoba will stay alive when it is dry or heavy rain. Since time immemorial, Indians have used jojoba as a drug and skin softener and hair. But it turns out the efficacy of jojoba oil to fight wrinkles is also very large. You can replace treatments that are full of chemicals with pure jojoba oil that is more natural and friendly to the skin.

In modern times, jojoba plants are usually used by extracting the seeds into oil. Jojoba oil can be used directly for the skin or as a mixture of skin care products such as soap, shampoo, lotion, lip balm, and cosmetics.

The efficacy of jojoba oil to fight wrinkles

As long as it is not consumed or applied in the mouth area, jojoba oil is safe for use by anyone, including those of you who have sensitive skin, babies, and pregnant women. Jojoba is rich in various nutrients needed by the skin such as vitamin E, vitamin B complex, silicon, chromium, iron, iodine, selenium, and chromium. This is what makes jojoba highly efficacious to soften, soften, moisturize, brighten, and expel fine lines on the face.

Jojoba oil is very similar to sebum or an oil produced naturally by the oil glands. So if the skin's oil glands produce very little sebum, jojoba oil will greatly help maintain suppleness and moisture in the face. Jojoba also has antioxidant functions that can slow down the premature aging process naturally because jojoba can stimulate collagen production in the dermis.

How to use jojoba oil to fight wrinkles

Jojoba oil is a versatile natural ingredient. You can use pure jojoba oil as a facial moisturizer at night. Before going to sleep, apply enough jojoba oil to the face and neck while lightly massaging. Leave it for a full night. For maximum results, jojoba oil can also be used to wash your face. Jojoba oil has a high iodine content so it can kill bad bacteria that attach to the skin of the face. Put jojoba oil on the face and wipe it thoroughly. Let stand for two to three minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. If you want to disguise fine lines that appear on certain parts of the face, pour jojoba oil on cotton or cotton bud and lightly tap on the fine lines that appear.


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Fight Face Wrinkles with Jojoba Oil
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