Overcoming Keloids, Scars that interfere with appearance


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When your skin is injured, scar tissue will form above the wound to help repair and protect damaged skin. In some cases, this scar tissue grows excessively, forming soft and hard tissue that you know with keloids.

Keloid can be larger than the original wound. Usually keloids can appear on the sores on the chest, shoulders, ear lobes, and cheeks. However, of course keloids can appear on any part of the body. Although keloids are not dangerous, but for some people, especially women, of course the appearance of these scars interfere with appearance.

What is keloid like?

Here are some characteristics of keloids:

  • Localized to an area of ​​skin with colors such as skin, pink or reddish.
  • A prominent part of the skin.
  • Usually it continues to grow bigger over time.
  • Sometimes it can itch.

Keloid is usually shaped larger than the original wound. This scar takes weeks or months to completely form completely.

Even though it can itch, it is usually not harmful to your health. You may be able to feel discomfort, pain, or even experience irritation from the clothes that swipe your keloids. In rare cases, you can experience quite a lot of keloids in your body. When this happens, hardened keloid tissue may limit your movement.

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Keloid has more appearance problems than health. You may feel annoyed with a large keloid and be in a place that is easily visible to people, such as the face or ears. Also, sunlight can make your keloid darker than the skin around you, making it even more visible. You can protect your scars while in the sun to prevent discoloration.

What causes keloids to appear?

Most injuries to the skin can cause keloids, such as:

  • acne scars
  • Burns
  • chickenpox
  • wound piercing
  • scratches
  • surgery scars
  • vaccine scars

According to American Ostepathic College of Dermatology, about 10% of the population has keloids, with the possibility of being male and female as large. Black people are more likely to experience keloids.

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In addition, other risk factors for the occurrence of keloids include:

  • of Asian descent
  • Latin descent
  • pregnant
  • less than 30 years old

Keloid has genetic factors, which means if your parents have keloids, then you will most likely experience it. A study shows that a gene called AHNAK plays a role in determining whether a person can experience keloids or not. The researchers found that people who had the AHNAK gene would be more likely to experience keloids than those who did not.

If you know that you have risk factors for keloids, then you can avoid piercings, unnecessary surgeries, or tattoos.

When to see a doctor?

Keloid usually doesn't need special attention, but if the keloid continues to grow, or you experience other symptoms, and want to remove it, you may need to consult a doctor. Keloid is a benign tissue, but uncontrolled growth can be a sign of malignancy.

After diagnosing keloids through a physical examination, your doctor may suggest a biopsy to get rid of other conditions. Biopsy means taking a small portion of keloid tissue and examining it to ensure the presence or absence of malignant cells.

How do you deal with keloids?

Keloid is the result of the body's effort to improve itself. So, if you throw keloids, there will be a possibility that the network will grow again, even in a larger size. Other methods that can be used if you want to get rid of your keloids include:

  • corticosteroid injection to reduce inflammation
  • use moisturizing oils to keep the tissue soft
  • use of silicone gel after injury
  • freeze tissue to kill skin cells
  • laser therapy to reduce scarring
  • radiation to shrink keloids

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Doctors will usually recommend non-invasive therapy as initial therapy, such as using silicone, injection, or medication in wound dressing. All of these therapies require frequent and careful use so that the results can be seen.

If the keloid is very large, the doctor may recommend a surgical method. However, according to the Dermatology Online Journal, the possibility for these keloids to reappear is very large, so doctors may recommend that you take steroid injections after surgery to reduce this possibility.


Although rarely causes serious conditions, keloids can interfere with appearance. Treatment for keloids is usually difficult and not always effective. Therefore, if you have keloid risk factors, it is important for you to prevent skin injuries.

Overcoming Keloids, Scars that interfere with appearance
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