Fetus in the umbilical cord in content, what is the cause?


Medical Video: How a baby develops during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman will want her baby to continue until the day of her birth. But sometimes, babies are not sure to experience disturbances in the womb. Fetus entangled in the umbilical cord ornuchal cord is one of the most common pregnancy problems. About one in three babies experiences this.

Actually, what causes the baby to become entangled in the umbilical cord in the womb? If this happens to you, are there any symptoms that can be felt? Find out the answer in the following review.

Is the rope wrapped around the baby dangerous?

The umbilical cord is a hose that supplies blood, oxygen, and nutrients needed by the fetus as long as it is still present. This umbilical cord is often wrapped around the fetal neck, but can also wrap around other baby's limbs.

In general, umbilical cord loops while still in the womb maybe not so dangerous. In the womb, the umbilical cord continues to float in the amniotic fluid. Because it continues to move, the umbilical cord surrounding the fetus can loosen up so that it is easily released before the baby is born or during labor.

In addition, the umbilical cord is also protected by a mucous membrane called Wharton jelly. This mucous membrane prevents the umbilical cord from pressing too much on the baby's blood vessels when he is actively moving.

The problem with the umbilical cord during pregnancy can interfere with the intake of nutrients and oxygen that the baby receives if the twist is too tight. When a baby cannot get enough nutrients, the growth process can be disrupted.

This condition can also cause complications such as a decrease in heart rate, prolapse of the umbilical cord (the umbilical cord first comes out of the vagina before the baby is seen), and physical disorders such as wrinkles and blisters, or the color of the skin turns purplish red.

What causes the fetus to get wrapped around the umbilical cord?

The main cause of the umbilical cord fetus is the movement of the baby who is too active in the womb. Not caused by activities carried out by the mother. When the baby moves actively in the bladder, a long umbilical cord can wrap around his body.

However, there are also other causes that can cause the umbilical cord to wrap around the fetus, such as:

  • The umbilical cord is too long.Normally, the fetal umbilical cord length is 50 to 60 cm. However, there are also those who have an umbilical cord up to 80 cm longer. This too long umbilical cord risks risking the baby, even more than one twist.
  • Having twins.Twins or more babies have different umbilical cords. The umbilical cord can tangle and twist the baby.
  • Weak or bad umbilical structure.A healthy umbilical cord can change in size (elastic) so it does not harm the baby when he moves actively. However, if the structure is weak or bad, the umbilical cord may become less elastic so that the baby's wrap is too strong.

Is there a sign if the fetus is wrapped around the umbilical cord?

Mother in general will not feel any changes or symptoms on her body if the fetus is wrapped around the umbilical cord. Nuchal chords can only be seen through an ultrasound scan. However, observing the movement of the baby in the fetus can also signal the occurrence of nuchal cord, for example, an active baby moves slower before labor.

To anticipate the possibility of this condition, you should regularly check your pregnancy to the doctor. However, you do not need to worry, as long as the umbilical cord does not wrap too tightly, you can still give birth normally. If the cord is at risk of harming the baby, the doctor will recommend you to give birth to a baby by caesarean section.

Fetus in the umbilical cord in content, what is the cause?
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