4 Ways to Form a Back Muscle Without the Need to Go to a Gym


Medical Video: Beginners Back Exercises for Strengthening your Back Muscles

Not only your stomach and arms, having a muscular back will also improve your appearance and make you more confident. Most people form back muscles in the gym. In fact, there are many simple movements that you can do at home. As long as it's routine and consistent, you don't need to spend a lot of money to form your back muscles. Here's how to do it.

Simple exercises to form back muscles at home

1. Superman

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs straight.
  • Make sure if your palms and upper legs are facing down.
  • Gently lift your arms and legs from the floor. Keep your arms and legs straight while the core muscles don't move. You can imagine Superman, his body stretched when he flew.
  • Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
  • Then lower the arms and legs back to the floor slowly.
  • Perform three repetitions by maintaining this position.

2. Cobra snakes

  • Position yourself lying on your stomach on the floor.
  • Stretch your legs straight back with the top of the foot facing down.
  • Tighten your pelvic floor and lock your stomach.
  • Gently lift your shoulders up using your hands to help maintain position.
  • Point your chest forward. Inhale when you lift your body up.
  • Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
  • Slowly, lower your body back to the floor, exhaling.
  • Do about 10 repetitions.
  • Like all exercises, try to encourage yourself to hold it a few seconds longer each time you do it.

3. Wall sit

  • Start by standing about half a meter from the wall with your back facing the wall.
  • Slide your back down and stick to the wall until your legs bend at a 90 degree angle.
  • Keep your shoulders, upper back, and back of the head straight against the wall.
  • Both feet must be flat on a balanced weight.
  • Hold up to 30 seconds (time can be extended according to ability).
  • Gently lift your body up with your back still against the wall until your position is upright, then repeat the movement five times.

4. Hip hinge

  • Take an upright position with your legs stretched slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Pull your shoulders slightly back to tighten your back muscles.
  • Slowly bend your waist and bend your body forward. Make sure the shoulders are parallel to the hips when bending forward.
  • Bend your body forward until your position is parallel to the floor, then slowly return to its original position.
  • Make sure you do it with slow motion while the abdominal muscles contract.
  • Start by trying a set to make sure this exercise isn't too heavy for your back. Slowly increase the exercise to as many as three sets, with 10-15 repetitions each.

Be careful when doing this exercise, do not bend your back. This error will not only prevent you from exercising your back muscles, but may also damage your spine.

4 Ways to Form a Back Muscle Without the Need to Go to a Gym
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