7 Yoga Poses for When You Just Woke Up Morning


Medical Video: Easy Morning Yoga Stretches in Bed - Wake Up w/ Yoga IN BED Yoga (6 Min) My Morning Yoga Routine

Unless you are one of the few people who are able to get up early vigorously, waking up is a really torturous activity. Research reports that heart attacks occur more often in the early morning due to the terror of the demands of work that forces the body to slow down - not even have time to roll - to immediately function at full speed.

Don't want to, right, risking yourself having a heart attack before you really set foot on the floor? Yoga is the answer. Yoga when you wake up early is a good way to recharge your energy to deal with the rest of your day.

Various yoga movements are easy to get up early

After waking up in the morning, it's okay if you want to roll a little and immediately get up and open the room window wide. Let your body bath in the morning sun while slowly pulling and exhaling for one to two minutes. Then exhale for a long time and prepare to enter your chosen yoga pose from the recommendations below.

1. Cat Cow Pose

Here's how:

  • Start on all fours. Make sure the wrists are aligned straight below the shoulders and the fingers are wide open. Keep the palm pads on the floor so that not all of your body weight is centered on the wrist.
  • Make sure the knee is open parallel to the hip and the tips of the toes stick to the ground; both toes touch. While inhaling, lift your head and tailbone into the air while arching your back down (the position of the abdomen touches the ground and the chest is stretched forward).
  • Exhale while loosening the spine upward. The stomach is now lifted from the floor, forming the letter "n").
  • Continue for 2-3 minutes, moving slowly at first and keep increasing your speed as soon as you regain your flexibility.

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2. Downward Dog

Here's how:

  • Start on all fours. Make sure the wrists are aligned straight below the shoulders and the fingers are wide open and the knees are open parallel to the hips.
  • Pull your hips upward backwards, so that the position of your hands is now slightly ahead of your shoulders.
  • Keep pushing your body back to lift both knees away from the floor while keeping your hands straight and lifting your tailbone into the air.
  • Stretch your heels to stretch your calf hamstring muscles.
  • Hold position for 30 seconds to 1 minute

3. Spinal Stretch

Here's how:

  • Sit cross-legged, press your sitting bone down and extend your spine - reach the sky with the top of your head. If this feels uncomfortable, you can slip folds of blanket under your buttocks, or stretch one leg forward.
  • While keeping the tailbone stuck to the floor:
    • Position your left hand on your right knee, take a breath, twist the spine.
    • Exhale, twist the body to the right. Take a breath, return to the starting position.
    • Switch hands, and repeat. Take a breath, return to the starting position.
    • Now, launch your right hand to the floor and extend your left arm above your head. Inhale and reach the ceiling with your fingers while exhaling and stretching your waist. If your tailbone is lifted from the floor, don't stretch too far.
    • Breathe, exchange hand positions, and repeat for the left side

4. Warrior One

Here's how:

  • Start standing tall, then take 3 big steps back with your left foot. Bend your right knee so that it's now right above your ankle. Bend your left toes slightly inside.
  • Lift your hands above your head and lower your upper body towards the floor. Keep the view up.
  • Hold position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, repeat by changing feet.

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5. Warrior Two

Here's how:

  • Start standing tall, then take 3 big steps back with your left foot. Bend your right knee so that it's now right above your ankle. Bend the left toes to form 90º.
  • Extend your hands to the side of your body while keeping your eyes forward.
  • Hold position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, repeat by changing feet.

6.Tree Pose

Here's how:

  • Start with your feet about hip-width apart, spread your toes to help grip the floor more firmly. Position both hands on the hips or in the middle of the chest.
  • Inhale and lift one leg, place it in the calf or thigh (don't hold it on the knee). Exhale.
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight, and if your balance is steady, expand your hands to reach the sky.
  • Hold position for five breath counts. Exhale slowly while landing your feet back on the floor. Repeat changing legs.

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7. Forward Fold

Here's how:

  • Exhale, fold the body forward from the hips. Let your knees bend and try to bring your chest closer to your thighs.
  • Wipe your neck and let your head hang limply. You will feel this stretch in the lower spine and in the legs. This pose allows fresh blood to flow easily to the brain, cleanses and refreshes the brain, helps the circulatory system.
  • Hold position for 10 deep breaths.

As soon as you wake up and finish your yoga routine, try to leave the house for a while. You need vitamin D from the morning sun, and your mood is guaranteed to improve.

7 Yoga Poses for When You Just Woke Up Morning
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