List of Good Foods to Eat Before Childbirth


Medical Video: Preparing for Childbirth: Exercises for Circulation, Pain Relief and Strength

Labor is a fairly long process that requires a lot of energy. To prepare before giving birth, you should first fill your energy by consuming nutritious foods. However, always consult your obstetrician first before eating. The reason is, each doctor may have different considerations because the condition of the mother giving birth also varies. If you can eat, make sure the food consumed is safe and beneficial for labor.

Can you eat before giving birth?

Prenatal eating is basically permissible, especially at the beginning of labor. It is at this time that the mother should eat and fill energy. During normal labor, the mother needs a lot of energy to give encouragement to the baby. If the mother does not have energy, of course labor will be difficult. However, make sure you don't eat too much. Just fill your stomach with fluids and carbohydrate-rich snacks. Avoid foods that are high in fat because they are difficult to digest and can make you nauseous.

In some cases the obstetrician or midwife may encourage you to fast. This usually happens if you have the possibility or plan of birth by caesarean section. Because the stomach should not be full when a cesarean section takes place. To be safe, ask your obstetrician or midwife directly if you can eat and follow her recommendations.

Foods that are well consumed before giving birth

Basically, you need carbohydrates as a source of energy to give birth. However, choose a source of carbohydrates that are easily digested. Avoid foods that are too dense like beef. Here is a list of foods that can help smooth your labor process.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in carbohydrates and protein that works to increase your energy. This snack is also easy to carry everywhere, including on the way to the hospital or when the delivery time is near. Don't forget to provide a few cup small yogurt during maternity. If the labor process lasts long enough, you may be given a pause to fill the energy. Yogurt can be your savior too. Serve yogurt with fresh fruits or nuts.

2. Fruits

Natural carbohydrate sources that are easily digested by the body are fruits. In addition to containing carbohydrates, fruits also contain many vitamins, minerals, and water which are essential for launching the labor process. Fruits such as bananas, avocados and apples are the right choice before giving birth.

3. Potatoes

Don't eat any potatoes before giving birth. You should eat mashed potatoes (mashed potato) or boiled potatoes. Avoid french fries because the high fat and oil content can make you more nauseous during labor.

4. Bread

Eating rice with side dishes may be too heavy for maternity. So, replace it by eating bread a little. No need to choose meat sandwiches. Because plain bread or fresh bread with fruit jam alone is enough to fill your energy. To be longer, you can eat whole wheat bread.

5. Soup

To increase fluid intake, eating clear soup can be the best choice for maternity. For more nutrients, make sure the soup is made from chicken broth or real meat. Also add vegetables and tofu so that it's not too bland. If it's near the day of delivery, cook the soup first and store it in the refrigerator. Before you start the labor process, you just need to warm the soup.

6. Biscuits

As a filling snack, prepare biscuits. You can choose ordinary milk biscuits or whole wheat biscuits. However, try to choose a biscuit plain. Avoid salted biscuits or biscuits that are too much cream. Salted crackers can trigger hypertension while cream biscuits may make you nauseous.

List of Good Foods to Eat Before Childbirth
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