5 of the most common problems that occur in breast nipples


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Human nipples are usually surrounded by areas of dark skin called the areola. Female breast nipples function to produce breast milk. In addition, the nipples also function to stimulate sexual desire. What are the problems or problems that can occur in the nipples?

Various disorders and problems that commonly occur in the nipples

Nipple disorders are not only common in women, but can also affect men. In fact, some nipple disorders can be related to breast cancer.

Symptoms of nipple disorders

Below are some symptoms of breast disorders that require medical attention, including:

  • Breast nipple rash. If the nipple appears a rash that doesn't disappear after a week, you should immediately consult a doctor ...
  • Fluid out of the nipple: the liquid that comes out of the nipple can be white like milk, clear, yellowish / greenish, to bleed. To find out the cause, further examination is needed. This condition can be caused by many things such as tumors, cancer, or the use of certain drugs.
  • Putting in: This condition can occur in one or both breast nipples and is considered normal if it occurs during puberty. But if it occurs after puberty, this condition needs to be consulted by a doctor. Entering breast nipples can be a sign of a tumor or breast cancer.
  • Nipples hurt: Nipples contain many sensitive nerves. Usually, when it comes to menstruation, the nipples will feel painful and more sensitive. However, if the pain does not go away, it is strongly recommended to immediately consult a doctor.
  • Growing hair on the nipples. This condition is actually not classified as a serious health problem and does not require medical treatment. However, if the hair growth is too extreme, immediately consult a doctor, because this condition indicates a hormonal imbalance.

The cause?

Health problems or problems with the nipples can be triggered and caused by the following:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Infection.
  • Benign tumor.
  • Hypothyroidism (inactivity of the thyroid gland).
  • Ectasia (widening of the ASI outlet).
  • Tumor in the pituitary gland.
  • Paget's disease, rare breast cancer.
  • There is friction or a strong impact on the breast.
  • Breasts get excessive pressure.

Nipple abnormalities can also occur in newborns. Some newborns can experience milk out of their nipples. This condition is caused when during pregnancy, babies take part in absorbing the mother's hormones which produce milk This condition is not classified as dangerous and will disappear by itself.

How to diagnose it

Nipple disorders can be diagnosed through several screening methods. Previously, the doctor would ask several questions regarding the patient's condition, such as:

  • Treatment that has been done before.
  • Has there been a change in the patient's diet?
  • Is the patient pregnant?
  • Do patients carry out activities that can trigger nipple disorders?

Screening methods for diagnosing breast nipple disorders

  • Ductography: Is a method by injecting a kind of coloring agent on the patient's nipple channel. Next, X-ray will be done to observe the condition of the nipple duct. This method is usually used to diagnose nipple discharge.
  • Mammogram: image scanning technique to see the condition of breast tissue. Usually used to detect tumors or breast cancer.
  • Biopsy: This method is usually done to diagnose Paget's disease in the breast. Biopsy is done by taking samples from the breast skin and then checking in the laboratory.

The doctor may also recommend other methods such as blood prolactin levels, thyroid hormone tests, CT scan, and MRI scan if necessary.

Medical treatment needed to overcome problems with the nipples

Medical treatment of nipple disorders depends on the type and cause. Some medical treatments that can be done according to the causes include:

  • Infection: Nipple infection can be treated depending on the type of cause of the infection.
    • Nipple disorders caused by bacterial infections can be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
    • Nipple disorders caused by fungal infections can be treated with antifungal drugs.
  • Benign breast tumors: In most cases, benign tumors can be treated through surgical procedures and routine examinations.
  • Nipple disorders caused by hypothyroidism: This condition can be treated with certain types of drugs. These drugs will replace hormone function that fails to produce the thyroid gland.
  • Nipple disorders caused by Ectasia: A surgical procedure may be needed if the swelling in the ASI tract is severe and does not go away for a long time.
  • Nipple disorders caused by tumors in the pitutiari gland (prolactinoma): This condition is actually harmless and does not require medical treatment. However, if the tumor growth gets bigger and uncontrolled, surgical procedures and radiation therapy may be needed.
  • Breast disorders caused by Paget's disease:
    • If it is not accompanied by a tumor: medical treatment is by removing breast nipples and areola and radiation therapy.
    • If accompanied by a tumor: medical treatment is by mastectomy (removal of the whole breast)

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5 of the most common problems that occur in breast nipples
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