5 Rare Diseases that Often Attack Child Marriage Incest


Medical Video: Incest Embraced by Liberals as Sexual Diversity - Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs

Incest, aka blood marriage, is a marriage system between two people who are "bloodied", aka still in a family line. For many people, imagining having sex with a sibling or sibling, or with parents and children themselves, is a terrible nightmare. But that does not mean this is impossible, as evidenced by the many historical records that report cases like this.

Incest is forbidden in almost every human culture, and this is not without reason. Bloodline breeds are very high risk for suffering from rare genetic diseases.

Various health problems that incest descent might have

Children from incest will have a genetic code of DNA that is not varied because it inherits a very similar derivative DNA chain from their father and mother. Lack of variation in DNA can weaken the immune system so you cannot fight disease well.

One study found that 40 percent of children from blood relations between two first-degree individuals (nuclear families) were born with abnormalities in the form of congenital physical disabilities, or severe intellectual disabilities.

Being involved with inbreeding does not mean you will get a genetic disease or get sick. You only have a higher chance of various health problems. And, the more history of incest in a family tree, the higher the risk.

1. Albinism

Albinism is a condition in which your body lacks melanin, hair dye, eye and skin. An albino (the name for those who have albinism) tends to have bright eye colors, and very pale skin and hair that is almost milky white, even if they are from dark-skinned ethnicity.

Albinism is an autosomal recessive disease, which means that when two people with the same genetic code multiply, the chances of their children getting bigger are inherited.

Not all Albino people are products of blood marriage. But the practice of incest between close cousins, siblings, and biological parents is very high risk to inherit this problem in later generations.

The reason is that it is very likely that your partner (who is your brother or sister, for example) carries the same type of broken gene because it was passed down from your parents. This means that you both carry the defective genes of melanin and have a 50 percent chance of passing a broken gene on your child, so that later your offspring will have a 25 percent chance of risking albinism - looking trivial, but this figure is actually very high.

2. Fumarase Deficiency (FD)

Fumarase (FD) deficiency, also known as polygamist's down, is a disorder that specifically affects the nervous system of the brain.

This condition of birth defects causes sufferers to suffer from tonic-clonic seizures, mental retardation, and often have physical abnormalities - starting from the cleft lip, club foot aka clubfoot, to scoliosis. Mental retardation experienced is very severe, IQ only reaches 25, loses certain parts of the brain, cannot sit and / or stand, language skills are very minimal or even zero.

Children who are incest who have FD may also have microcephaly. Microcephaly is a rare neurological condition characterized by the size of a baby's head that is very much smaller than the heads of other children of the same age and sex. In addition, it also has an abnormal brain structure, severe developmental delay, muscle weakness (hypotonia), failure to thrive, swelling of the liver and spleen, excess red blood cells (polycythaemia), certain types of cancer, and / or or lack of white blood cells ( leukopenia).

There is no effective treatment available for fumatase deficiency. Individuals with FD usually only survive a few months. Only a handful of survivors of FD can live long enough to the stage of young adults.

3. Habsburg Jaw

Habsburg Jaw, also known as Habsburg Lip and Austrian Lip, is a condition of congenital physical defects with features of the lower jaw protruding and followed by thickening of the lower lip extreme, and having an unusually large tongue size - which usually causes the sufferer to drool over.

In the modern medical world, Habsburg Jaw is known as mandibular prognathism. Malocclusion (upper and lower jaw irregularities) caused by this condition causes defects in jaw function, discomfort in chewing, digestive problems, and speech difficulties making it difficult to understand. Individuals who have this condition are also reported to experience mental retardation and nearly zero motor function.

The initial Habsburg Jaw trail was believed to originate from Polish noble families, and the first person known to have this condition was Maximillian I, the Holy Roman emperor who ruled from 1486 to 1519. The ancient royal family often practiced blood marriages to protect the descendants of pure royal blood on the family tree .

4. Hemophilia

Hemophilia is not specifically the result of inbreeding, but incest is seen as the cause of the high incidence of this congenital disease in many European royal families.

If there are women who suffer from this disease in your family, then a family marriage in the family should be suspected as a risk factor. Hemophilia is a condition caused by a defect in a gene that allows blood clotting.

Hemophilia is an example of X-linked disease, because a defective gene is a gene from the X-chromosome. Women have two pairs of X chromosomes while men only have one X chromosome from their mother. A man who inherits a copy of a defective hemophilia gene will suffer from this disease, while a female offspring must inherit two pairs of defective genes to be able to develop hemophilia. The resultant incest will inherit two copies of the damaged gene that is passed down from his mother.

5. Philadelphoi

The word "Philadelphoi" which means "love brother" comes from ancient Greek, used as a nickname given to Ptolemy II's and Arsinoe's brothers involved in incestuous relationships. Even so, Philadelphoi is not listed as an official medical condition and is different from Philadelphia Chromosome (Ph) disease.

The ancient Egyptian royal family was almost always obliged to marry their siblings, and this happened almost in every dynasty. Not only the marriage of siblings, but also "double niece marriage", where a man marries a girl whose parents are the brother or sister of the man. This blood-marbled tradition is maintained because they believe that god Osiri married his own sister, Iris, to maintain the purity of heredity. Tutankhamen, aka King Tut, is the result of an incestuous relationship between siblings. It is also suspected that his wife, Ankhesenamun, is a younger sibling (either biological or adopted) or his own niece.

As a result of this marriage, the rate of stillbirth is high in the royal family, as well as birth defects and congenital genetic disorders. King Tut himself has a variety of conditions caused by the limited variation in the genetic code of his parents' incest.

King Tut is reported to have an elongated skull shape, cleft lip, spine (upper front teeth more prominent than lower front teeth), clubfoot (club foot), loss of one bone in his body, and scoliosis - all "packets" of this condition are caused, or even worse, by incest.

5 Rare Diseases that Often Attack Child Marriage Incest
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