Although Zinc Intake Is Important, This Is 6 As A Result If Most


Medical Video: Take Zinc Supplement for these Amazing Health Benefits!!

Zinc is one of the important mineral intake needed by the body so that its function can run well. When compared with other mineral intake, the amount of zinc needs is very little indeed, namely only 10-13 milligrams per day for adults.

Therefore, be careful not to overdo the amount that can actually cause health problems. So, what are the signs and symptoms of excess zinc that are often underestimated? Here's the explanation.

What are the signs and symptoms of excess zinc?

1. Nausea to vomiting

nausea stomach after eating

If you experience nausea until vomiting after eating meat, you may experience excess zinc. Yes, red meat is one of the good sources of zinc for the body. Even so, excess zinc is also not good for the body, you know.

Quoted from Healthline, as many as 17 studies have proven that zinc supplements are effective in shortening the duration of flu. But on the other hand, as many as 46 percent of study participants actually experienced nausea to vomiting afterwards.

This is because participants get a dose of zinc supplement that is greater than 225 milligrams. As a result, they experienced nausea and vomiting 30 minutes after taking a zinc supplement with a dose of 570 milligrams.

Although vomiting can also help remove toxic zinc from the body, but this can also trigger complications that can harm the body. Preferably, immediately consult a doctor if you experience it.

2. Abdominal pain and diarrhea

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Usually, abdominal pain and diarrhea can occur together with symptoms of nausea and vomiting. This combination of symptoms can be a sign that you have excess zinc, even zinc poisoning.

Still from the same study, as many as 40 percent of participants reported abdominal pain and diarrhea after taking zinc supplements. The fatal impact, most consume zinc intake can trigger intestinal irritation and bleeding in the digestive tract, although the case is sparse.

3. Flu-like symptoms appear

fasting during flu when fasting

Indeed, there have been studies that reveal that zinc supplements can accelerate the duration of flu. However, that does not mean you can consume zinc mostly so that you recover quickly from the flu. Because, this can also bring up symptoms that are similar to flu, such as fever, coughing, chills, headaches, and fatigue.

Because the symptoms are similar to those of the flu, you may find it difficult to distinguish between symptoms of excess zinc and symptoms of seasonal flu. This condition makes it difficult to diagnose symptoms of poisoning or excess zinc.

4. HDL levels decrease

In fact, the intake of zinc from food and supplements can also affect the level of good cholesterol aka HDL in the body. The more zinc that enters the body, the lower your HDL cholesterol.

Normally, good HDL cholesterol in the body is 40 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl) or more. A study shows that consuming zinc supplements with a dose of more than 50 milligrams per day can reduce HDL cholesterol levels, aka below 40 mg / dl.

In fact, normal HDL cholesterol levels can help maintain heart health. This means that you can be at risk for heart disease if your HDL cholesterol level is below the normal level.

To know how to increase good fat levels in the body, you can consume 7 high-fat foods that are good for the body.

5. The tongue feels bitter or like metal

mouth feels bitter when fasting

If you have just taken a tablet or liquid sore throat, then your tongue feels bitter, you may experience excess zinc.

Zinc plays an important role in the sense sensitivity of your senses. If lack of zinc intake can cause hypogeosis or the inability of the tongue to feel the taste of food, excess zinc intake can also have a similar effect.

Excess zinc that enters the body can change the sensitivity of your tongue. You will feel a bitter sensation on the tongue, and even taste like metal.

6. Easy to get sick

weak immune system

Many people take zinc supplements to help increase endurance. But be careful, excess zinc in the body can actually have the opposite effect, which weakens the body's immune response.

This condition is usually a side effect of anemia and neutropenia, namely abnormalities in the levels of neutrophils or a type of white blood cell in the body. A small study revealed that as many as 11 healthy men with endurance decreased after taking a 150 milligram zinc supplement twice a day. Instead of making your body healthier, you actually get sick easily.

What should I do if I experience excess zinc?

If you experience one or more of the symptoms of excess zinc, immediately consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. As a first aid, try drinking a glass of milk first to relieve symptoms.

The high amount of calcium and phosphorus in milk can help inhibit the absorption of zinc in the digestive tract, then released through urine. After the symptoms begin to decrease, immediately consult a doctor nearby.

Although Zinc Intake Is Important, This Is 6 As A Result If Most
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