Why Thin People Can Also Have Diabetes? How to avoid it?


Medical Video: Why Do Young, Slim People Get Diabetes Type 2

Most people assume that diabetes is a disease of obese people, but in fact a thin person is also equally at risk of diabetes if his diet is not maintained. What causes thin bodies can also get diabetes?

Causes of diabetes in thin people

Most cases of type 2 diabetes are experienced by people who are overweight or obese. But that does not mean thin people at all avoid the risk of developing diabetes. According to Christopher Case, MD, endocrinologist at Jefferson City, genetic or hereditary factors are masterminds, which cause thin bodies to develop diabetes.

Studies show that the risk of diabetes can jump up to 3 times in people who have close family members with diabetes, such as parents or siblings, than those whose families have no history of diabetes.

Diabetes which is influenced by genetic factors is type 1 diabetes, which can be suffered by someone since birth. This type of diabetes knows no nutritional status and can attack thin or fat people. The cause of type 1 diabetes is the pancreas gland which is unable to produce enough insulin for the body. As a result, excess blood sugar can not be processed into energy so that it soars.

In addition, thin people can also have excessive body fat, especially in the stomach. Belly fat or visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat. This fat can cause inflammation that affects the liver and pancreas which makes the body's insulin production weaken. Not infrequently, finally a thin person who has a potbellied stomach can be affected type 2 diabetes.

Tips to prevent diabetes, but still can eat good food

Diabetes can be experienced by anyone, including people who are thin or have a normal body mass index (BMI).

Even so, diabetes can be prevented by applying a healthy lifestyle. Here are four basic things that can prevent you from the risk of diabetes, regardless of your body shape - fat, thin, normal.

1. Limit carbohydrate intake

Rice is the staple food of Indonesians. Unfortunately, rice is the biggest source of simple carbohydrates. The more your carbohydrate intake, the more fat accumulates in the body, and the higher your blood sugar.

This is what can increase your risk of diabetes. So, limit excess carbohydrate intake. Try replacing it with eating carbohydrates such as brown rice, which is more fiber-rich, or you can choose whole wheat bread instead of plain bread.

2. Smart choose healthy snacks

#HidupEnak is indeed incomplete without snacks to be consumed in leisure time. But beware, improper snacks can threaten your health.

No need to worry about diabetes if you like snacking. The key is to choose healthy snacks and are rich in protein, nutrition, and fiber. Also consume fruits with low sugar content such as apples, oranges, and bananas. The fruit has a low glycemic index level. Where it can help you avoid the risk of excess blood sugar levels.

Snacks containing these nutrients can make you full longer. So that the desire to eat continuously will be prevented because you choose snacks that are healthy and good for the body.

3. Limiting fat intake in food

As mentioned above, fat is also the cause of thin body susceptible to diabetes. So, you must limit your intake of unhealthy fats such as saturated fat and trans fat.

Instead, choose good fatty food but still healthy for the body. You can choose healthy sources of fat such as eating fish, eating avocados, nuts, and using olive oil for healthy oil choices.

4. Don't forget to apply a healthy life

After avoiding and limiting the intake of unhealthy food. You can try starting a healthy life such as stopping smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. You can also start joining in a fitness club or a healthy exercise activity that can make you active.

That way, fat and diabetes is not something you fear to prevent the risk of diabetes. Because true life starts from yourself by starting a healthy lifestyle.

Why Thin People Can Also Have Diabetes? How to avoid it?
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