3 Ways to Get Rid of a Missing Throat Mucus


Medical Video: Sore Throat | How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat (2019)

Maybe you often experience a feeling of blocking in your throat and making your day uncomfortable. This is caused by too much mucus in the throat and thickening. Sometimes, to make you relieved to be cleared up all day. Actually, what makes the throat slimy? Then how to overcome it?

What causes throat mucus that always makes you often cleared your throat?

Basically, mucus is not only inside the throat, but also protects various other organs in the body. Just like mucus in other parts of the body, throat mucus acts as a 'tool' of the body's natural defenses and prevents various foreign substances from entering the windpipe.

However, due to several conditions, the production of mucus becomes too much and excessive, this causes a feeling of blocking in the throat. Usually, the condition that causes mucus to become thickened is the presence of bacteria or allergens. The entry of bacteria and allergens into the respiratory tract will automatically make the throat produce more mucus than usual. If these allergens or bacteria are not handled quickly, they can cause more problems such as difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Mucus will tend to be produced more if the mucous membrane is dry which can be caused by several things such as:

  • Don't drink enough water
  • Drink too much coffee, tea, or alcohol, resulting in the body experiencing fluid loss.
  • Take certain drugs that stimulate mucus production
  • Smoke

Then how do you reduce excessive throat mucus?

If indeed the production of excessive mucus in the throat is caused by habits, then you can overcome it by changing your bad habits. in addition, there are also some foods that can help relieve your throat from too thick mucus, such as:

1. Fruit and vegetable sources of vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but contain many antioxidants. Antioxidants are needed by the body to fight various germs and bacterial diseases that attack.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C - one type of antioxidant - are high, effective for treating respiratory problems and relieving blocked airways. The source of vitamin C that you can consume is citrus fruit, melon, kiwi, and various vegetables that are green.

2. Warm liquid

If the throat feels something is blocking and then you drink warm water, then your action is correct. Yes, warm liquids are believed to relieve a blocked throat due to the buildup of mucus. However, it is better if you choose warm water instead of tea, coffee, or warm milk, because this type of drink will only make the throat mucus thicken.

3. Fish and beans

Thickened mucous throat results from bacterial infection, so the thing you need to do is increase immunity so that bacteria can lose and disappear. Meanwhile, to make your body stronger and your immune system to increase, you can work on it by consuming various types of nuts, such as soybeans, walnuts, and almonds, which contain lots of unsaturated fatty acids. Besides salmon and tuna, which have a high content of omega 3, can make bacteria disappear quickly.

3 Ways to Get Rid of a Missing Throat Mucus
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