5 Tips To Improve Body Endurance For Diabetes People


Medical Video: Diabetes and Exercise - Decide to Move

Diabetes, which is characterized by an increase in insulin and blood sugar levels can trigger various organ damage and bodily dysfunction. As a result, your immune system (immune system) decreases. You also become more vulnerable to various types of diseases. Can this be overcome? Check out these tips for increasing endurance for diabetics.

Why does diabetes make the immune system weaker?

Endurance of people with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is susceptible to decline because the body experiences chronic inflammation. This occurs due to an increase in cytokines triggered by the use of an ineffective or due to the hormone insulin insulin resistance. Decreasing your immune system makes you unable to ward off disease optimally. In addition, disruption of blood flow because most sugar levels make the body of diabetic people more susceptible to infection.

How to increase endurance for diabetics?

1. Adjust carbohydrate and calorie intake

An increase in blood sugar levels is the most commonly experienced by people with diabetes. Especially after eating certain foods. That is why controlling blood sugar levels by limiting the amount of carbohydrates consumed is important for people with diabetes.

Simple carbohydrates such as sweet foods and drinks, white rice, and processed flour are foods with high calorie content and can raise blood sugar levels quickly.

So, make sure you don't eat carbohydrates that increase blood sugar quickly. Always balance your meal with sources of protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals. For example from eggs, vegetables, and fruit. You can ask a nutritionist for help to determine how much the right portion of food is and what nutrients must be fulfilled.

2. Consume immune-boosting foods

Here are some foods that you can add to the daily menu to maintain your immune system

  • Onions and garlic. Both types of onions are a source of antioxidants that can help the body fight germs that cause disease and prevent infection.
  • Mushrooms also contains high antioxidants while acting as an antiviral and natural antibacterial. In addition, mushrooms contain several nutrients needed for endurance such as selenium and copper minerals and vitamin B.
  • Yogurt has the main content of good bacteria that stimulates your immune system to fight disease.
  • Red ginger is a food with a high anti-inflammatory content. The content of red ginger is also known to help remove toxins that interfere with the body's immunity.

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation can reduce the immunity of people with diabetes. Because, lack of sleep will disrupt the balance of hormones and other chemicals in the body that play an important role in maintaining the immune system. Enough sleep will also help repair damage to various cells and body tissues.

4. Regular exercise

Routine exercise is an important factor in maintaining a healthy body. So, diabetic people are highly recommended to exercise regularly or always actively move. Even low-intensity exercise can increase oxygen intake and promote blood flow. Regular exercise is also needed to prevent obesity, overcome sleep disorders, and control stress.

5. Stop smoking and limit consumption of alcoholic beverages

Smoking can increase the susceptibility of the respiratory tract to bacterial infections and disorders of blood vessels.

While alcohol can interfere with the immune system because it can suppress the immune system's work. Therefore, try to stop smoking and do not drink alcohol too much.

5 Tips To Improve Body Endurance For Diabetes People
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