5 Ways to Overcome Itching Due to Allergy


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Allergy is a form of the immune system's reaction to something that is considered dangerous even though it is not. Allergens or allergic substances only affect people who have allergies. In other people, these allergens will not trigger an immune response. The severity of allergies also varies in each person, there are those who experience mild allergic reactions and some who are severe to fatal results called anaphylaxis. If you or someone around you has itching due to an allergy, see the following article review to provide first aid.

How can itching due to allergies appear?

Allergies can be caused by several causes. Allergens are foreign substances that are mistakenly considered dangerous by the immune system resulting in allergic reactions.

Allergic reactions do not appear when the body first encounters allergens or allergens. In the first stage, the immune system will only remember and then make antibodies in reaction. If the skin continues to meet with allergens for ten days or more, this will usually be a skin allergy.

For those who already have allergies, within minutes allergy sufferers can immediately experience allergic symptoms when exposed to allergens. However, new symptoms can also occur 1-2 days after exposure to allergens. In some cases, allergies can cause a fatal reaction or anaphylaxis.

Even though it's rare, we still need to be aware of allergic types of anaphylaxis. In addition to reddened skin, anaphylaxis can cause difficulty breathing, abdominal cramps, sudden weakness, swelling of the throat and mouth, and loss of consciousness. If not treated immediately, anaphylaxis can cause death.

What to do when allergic itching appears

1. Don't scratch it

The first aid that is most appropriate when itching appears due to allergies is not to scratch it. Itching due to allergies is indeed very disturbing and certainly makes you want to scratch it immediately. But don't do this for the good of your skin. This will actually make allergic itching worse and even increase the risk of infection in the skin.

2. Use itchy ointment or cream

An ointment or cream containing hydrocortisone will relieve or reduce the itching due to the allergies you suffer. You can also use Use calamine lotion.

3. Wash with cold water

Bathing with cold water can reduce rashes on the skin or you can also use cold water compresses on allergic itchy skin. After that, dry the skin with a clean towel then use moisturizer. Do not take a bath with warm water because it can aggravate the symptoms of skin allergies.

4. Use clothes that are loose and soft

Tight clothing can aggravate the itching of the skin. You can wear clothes from cotton that are cold and comfortable on the skin. Also avoid woolen clothing because it can aggravate itching due to your allergies.

5. Avoid allergens

You will experience allergies when your body is exposed directly to allergens. If you already know the cause, you can avoid it so that allergies no longer occur. But if you don't know for sure yourself, you can do it with a test. To find out someone has an allergy to certain objects or foods, a test is needed. This test is done by giving exposure to a limited number of allergens to see the body's reaction.

If you experience itching due to allergies, it's good to immediately consult a doctor. Avoid scratching the itchy rash continuously because it can lead to skin infections and inhibit the healing process.

5 Ways to Overcome Itching Due to Allergy
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