6 things that are routinely done by people who are rarely sick


Medical Video: 6 Things You Should Never Do After Eating

Maybe you know people who rarely get sick. He looks always healthy and fresh all the time, even though his friends and those around him are being hurt, whether it's flu or cough. He still looks fine, he doesn't even have the flu which usually spreads very easily and quickly.

It's natural if you are jealous of people like that. But take it easy, you can also seem, here are some tips so you rarely get sick.

Secrets rarely hurt

1. Actively active

It's easy, one of the secrets why someone can get sick less often is by keeping their body healthy every day. of course by exercising regularly and keeping away from sedentary lifestyles.

Your body will have a very strong immune system because you continue to train with regular exercise. When you are active and exercise regularly, the number of white blood cells that function to fight all diseases will increase. In addition, exercise can also keep you from stress, which of course can make you sick easily.

2. Always wash clean hands

Did you know that your palms are areas of the body that are quite abundant with bacteria, parasites and fungi? Moreover, the fingertips of your hands are the best home for bacteria. then how often do you touch your face, food or drink directly by hand without washing it first?

The Center for Disease Control recommends washing hands frequently with soap and warm water that flows for at least 20 seconds. Just wash your hands which will eliminate all the germs in your hands, while hand sanitizers (hand sanitizer) will only kill 60% of germs.

3. A good night's sleep

How long is your sleep every night? If it's less than 7 hours, don't be surprised you are often attacked by various diseases. Various studies have proven that adequate sleep or more than 7 hours for adults affects the increase of the immune system. A strong immune system will certainly make you less sick.

4. Diligently eat vegetables and fruit

The food you eat greatly determines your health status. If you want to get sick rarely, then you have to choose healthy foods that contain lots of nutrients. Foods that contain vitamins and minerals are one of the mainstay foods to improve your immune system. Food sources that contain vitamins and minerals are vegetables and fruits.

5. Avoid stress

Stress can be a source of your illness. People who are rarely sick tend to be more able to control emotions and suppress stress, so that they will avoid depression. In several studies it was found that stressed people have the potential to experience various diseases more often than those who rarely experience stress. In essence, you must be able to manage emotions and think positively.

6. For couples, routinely have sexual relations

Regular sexual intercourse with a partner can not only make it mood You are good, but it can also boost your immune system so you rarely get sick. Mentioned in a study, sexual relations with a partner can increase the amount of Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is a component of the immune system that functions to fight various foreign substances and diseases that attack.

6 things that are routinely done by people who are rarely sick
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