Benefits of Peanuts for Health You Don't Know


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Do you like peanuts? Or are you afraid that after eating peanuts, your face has pimples? We usually consume peanuts after the beans are roasted or boiled. But, do you know what are the benefits of peanuts if consumed for health? Here's the review.

Benefits of peanuts

Peanuts or in scientific language known as arachis hypogea are known by many names. Some people prefer to call him 'bean', that's all. You can now enjoy peanuts in a variety of dishes, from jam to chili. In addition to the delicious taste, the benefits of peanuts when consumed also need to know.

1. Lose weight

A study conducted by O’Byrne DJ successfully revealed that consuming peanuts for six months was able to reduce the participants' body weight by three kilograms. In this study participants were women who had entered menopause. This condition occurs because there is a decrease in the level of bad cholesterol in the body of the participant, after a diet by consuming foods low in monounsaturated fats which are rich in oleic acid content of beans.

The study was supported by research conducted by Alper CM which revealed that eating nuts can make you feel satisfied, thereby reducing your desire to snack on other snacks. The research conducted by Alper also adds that consuming peanuts makes your body absorb 66 percent of the energy contained in peanuts but does not necessarily increase your weight even if only one kilogram.

In addition, the monounsaturated protein and fat content of peanuts can trigger an increase in body energy release by 11 percent after consuming peanuts for 19 weeks.

2. Heart health

Research conducted by Guasch-Ferre concluded that supplementation containing peanuts to 7,216 men and women aged 55 to 80 years could reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular disease by 34 percent because the content is rich in magnesium, which is believed to be able to overcome cancer, heart disease and others that can cause death.

This is supported by a study that adds that consuming peanuts for 30 weeks can reduce triglycerides by 24 percent and increase magnesium levels in the body which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease exposure to your body.

3. Bile health

Based on research conducted by Tsai CJ on some participants who recently showed symptoms of gallstones showing that routinely consuming about five ounces of peanuts every week, managed to reduce the chances of the participants getting gallstones. Compared to those who consume less than one ounce for one month, or not even consume it at all.

Generally, gallstones occur because of the buildup of cholesterol in your bile. But nuts contain ingredients that are able to control cholesterol levels in the body. This is in accordance with the research conducted by Lokko P, who added that consuming regularly for eight weeks was able to reduce total cholesterol (7.2 percent) and triglycerides (20 percent) in the body.

Don't eat most

However, as has been done in a number of studies above, peanuts should be consumed in certain doses per day. Some literature says that consuming excessive amounts of peanuts actually decreases mineral levels in your body to increase your risk of developing kidney failure.

Benefits of Peanuts for Health You Don't Know
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