Deepening Typhus: Effective Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


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Typhus or typhoid fever, or often called typhoid, is one of the diseases that are often experienced by the people of Indonesia. Unfortunately there are still many people who think typhus and typhus are the same disease. Yes, the mention of typhus and typhoid which is indeed very similar makes many people often assume that they are the same disease. Padahal, the cause of typhus and typhoid aka typhoid fever is different.

What is typhoid and what is the cause?

Tifus is an infection caused by several types of bacteria Rickettsia typhi or R. prowazekii. These bacteria can be carried by ectoparasites such as fleas, mites and ticks, then infect humans. Ectoparasites are often found in animals such as rats, cats and squirrels. Some people can also bring them from their clothes, bed sheets, skin or hair.

Typhoid-causing bacteria cannot be transmitted from one person to another such as a cold or cold. There are four types of typhoid, and each type is caused by bacteria and different modes of transmission. Some types of typhus depend on the source of the bacteria that infects them, are:

  • Typhoid epidemic caused by bacteria Rickettsia prowazekiwhich is transmitted by the bite of head lice on the human body. This type of disease can cause serious illness and even death.
  • Endemic thypus or murine typhus caused by bacteria Rickettsia typhi, which is transmitted by flea jumps in mice. This disease is similar to the typhoid epidemic, but has typhoid symptoms that are milder and rarely cause death.
  • Scrub typhus caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi, transmitted through the bite of larval mites that live in rodents. This disease can attack humans at a mild to severe level.
  • Spotted fever or a fever accompanied by red spots on the skin is spread by the bite of tick animals infected with group bacteria Rickettsia.

This disease can be found all over the world. However, countries that are densely populated with poor students are at higher risk of developing this disease outbreak.

How can bacteria cause typhus?

Endemic bacterial causes of typhus, namely Rickettsia prowazekki transmitted by human head lice. Bacteria can grow in the stomach and intestines of fleas. You can get infected with typhoid-causing bacteria when scratching or touching a wound after being bitten by fleas. The risk of infection with the typhoid epidemic is more easily transmitted in densely populated refugee camps and poor levels of cleanliness.

Not only that, this infection is also more experienced during the rainy season and when clothes filled with fleas are not washed and used interchangeably. This is an optimal condition for the spread of disease.

In endemic cases caused by bacteria Rickettsia typhi, transmission of this disease occurs when you breathe air infected with bacteria that cause typhus. For example, when you clean an old building that is dusty and mostly inhabited by mice infected with fleas.

While your risk of developing thypus scrubs increases in the dry season, when ticks and mites are actively breeding in bushes or grasslands.

The way bacteria transmit this disease to each person varies depending on the type. In general, you can get bacterial infections that cause typhus through the bite of ticks, mites or ticks. In some cases, you can also be infected with typhoid-causing bacteria if you breathe in dust that has been contaminated with fleas.

Tipes and typhus are two different diseases

Having a very similar mention, many people assume that typhoid and typhus are the same disease. Even though this is not the case. Typhoid is caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi which is found in feces or animal feces. This bacterium infects the digestive tract because sufferers consume contaminated food or drink.

Quoted from page Detik, Paul Harijanto, SpPD-KPTI, an expert in infectious diseases from Bethesda Hospital Tomohon, North Sulawesi said that typhus is a disease that is not common in Indonesia.

The mention of typhus or typhoid by lay people who refer to typhoid fever, is actually just to make it easier. I don't know since when this mistake began to occur and was understood. But certainly, this mistake has become a kind of agreement among the people in general. So, if someone has typhus, then what is meant is typhoid fever.

In fact, these two diseases are clearly different. This difference lies in the type of bacteria that triggers infection. Sometimes this disease is also called Rickettsia disease.

Who is at high risk for typhus?

This disease can affect people of all ages, income levels, social levels, and the environment. However, the risk of this disease will increase if you:

  • Having a weak immune system, such as HIV / ADIS sufferers, currently undergoing chemotherapy, babies and the elderly.
  • Experience prolonged direct skin contact with an infected person. However, the potential for transmission of this disease is through a brief handshake or hug, including small.
  • Share the same items, such as towels, bed sheets, or clothes with an infected person.
  • Make direct contact with animals infected with bacteria that cause typhus
  • Travel to an endemic area of ​​this disease

There may be several risk factors for typhus that are not mentioned above. If you are worried about other risk factors for typhus, please consult a doctor for more information.

What are the symptoms of typhus to watch out for?

Typhoid symptoms usually develop 1-2 weeks after exposure and can develop from mild to severe. The most common typhus symptoms include:

  • High fever, usually around 40 degrees Celsius
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Dry cough
  • Stomach ache
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Feel unwell

Other symptoms of typhus may also appear rashes and dark spots such as symptoms of scabies in the area of ​​the body that has been bitten by fleas. This rash may also spread throughout the body such as the face, palms, or legs.

If you have typhoid signs or symptoms such as those listed above or if there are other things you want to ask about this disease, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. Every body functions differently from one another. Always discuss with your doctor to get the best solution for your condition.

How to diagnose typhus?

Symptoms of typhus are often similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Not infrequently, this makes this disease difficult for diagnosis. But doctors will usually do a blood test or skin biopsy to determine the type of bacteria that causes typhus. Diagnosis can also be done with a blood test using a serological method taken two weeks separately. This blood test serves to detect the patient's immune system response to his patient.

Sometimes, doctors can also expect someone to have a typical typhus if the consultation session is known if the patient has recently traveled to an endemic or high-risk area. Especially if the doctor also finds a history of bites from ticks, mites or ticks in the patient's body.

What are typhus drugs?

This disease can be treated with antibiotics. One typhus drug that is often prescribed by doctors is tetracycline antibiotics such as doxycycline. Treatment using this antibiotic is usually started before the blood test results or biopsy is known.

This typhus drug works by stopping the growth of infectious bacteria. This drug does not work for viral infections (such as colds, flu). Inappropriate, excessive or unnecessary use of antibiotics can affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Take typhus according to your doctor's advice, usually once a day with or without food. Drink plenty of water when using typhus drugs unless the doctor's recommendations are different.

Typhoid drug dosage and duration of treatment will depend on your health condition and your response to treatment. For children, the dosage of typhus can also be based on body weight.

Antibiotics work well when the amount of medicine in your body remains constant. So, use this typhus drug at approximately the same interval. Most people begin to feel better in 48 hours (2 days) after starting treatment. However, it is important to continue using this drug until the prescription is exhausted, even if you feel typhoid symptoms disappear after a few days.

Stopping the drug too quickly can make further bacteria develop, which eventually returns to infection. Tell your doctor if your condition does not improve or even worsens. Follow the rules given by a doctor or pharmacist before starting treatment. If you have questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Your doctor may prescribe other drugs to relieve symptoms such as paracetamol to reduce fever.

In severe cases, people infected with this disease may need to be hospitalized. The doctor will determine the best treatment that suits your condition. It should be understood that the sooner this disease is diagnosed, the recovery process will also be faster.

Typhoid medication is not just an antibiotic

Antibiotics are used as typhus drugs to kill bacteria RickettsiaHowever, actually to be able to recover quickly from this disease, not only antibiotics are the mainstay.You also have to eat and drink that is healthy and safe for you.

Foods that are safe for consumption

  • Food that is cooked until completely cooked
  • Fruits and vegetables are washed with clean water or you peel yourself
  • Pasteurized milk products
  • Soft, soft, and soupy foods to make it easy for you to eat
  • Nutritious and highly nutritious foods to speed up the recovery process

Foods that are not safe for consumption

  • Food served at room temperature
  • Food from roadside stalls
  • Raw or undercooked egg
  • Raw or half-cooked meat or fish
  • Fruits and vegetables that are not washed or not peeled
  • Fresh ingredients
  • Salad, karedok, or fresh vegetables (the point is raw vegetables that are not cooked)
  • Unpasteurized milk products
  • Bushmeat (monkey meat, bats, and other wild animals)
  • High fat foods like coconut milk, fried foods, junk food, and so forth.

Drinks that are safe for consumption

  • Sealed bottled drinks (which are carbonated safer)
  • Water that is boiled, filtered or processed first
  • Ice made in bottles or infection-free water
  • Carbonated drinks, bottles and seals, and sports drinks
  • Coffee or hot tea
  • Pasteurized milk

Drinks that are not safe for consumption

  • Tap or well water
  • Ice made from tap water or wells
  • Water made with well water or taps
  • Popsicle orpopsicle
  • Unpasteurized milk

What complications might occur?

Just like other diseases, this disease requires fast and appropriate treatment. When an infected person is allowed to go on without adequate medical treatment, serious complications can surface. Some complications that might occur include:

  • Hepatitis aka liver inflammation
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Hypovolemia or decreased blood fluid volume

How to prevent typhus?

If typhoid can be prevented by giving vaccinations, another story is with this one disease. After the second world war ended, vaccination for this disease was no longer produced. Even so, you don't worry. There are a number of simple ways you can do to reduce the risk of getting this disease, including:

  • Use insect repellent drugs. Always provide insecticide every time you want to travel to open places, such as camping, mountain climbing, and so on. If necessary, use long sleeves and trousers. This is done to reduce the risk of flea and mite bites.
  • Washing hands. Diligently wash your hands every time you want to start an activity or after being active. Use antiseptic soap to ensure the cleanliness of your hands.
  • Wash all clothes and bed linen.Use hot water and soap to wash all clothes, towels, and bed linen, or if necessary boil to kill mites that are still left behind.
  • Let the mites die of starvation.For objects that cannot be washed, you can put these objects in a sealed plastic bag and place it in a place that is rarely reached for several weeks. Mites will die within a few days when left without food.
  • Avoid contact. This disease can be transmitted through physical contact, eating to avoid direct contact with patients for a long time. Also, avoid the habit of using personal items such as towels that can transmit the disease.
  • Clean the entire room at home.Using a vacuum cleaner machine (vacuum cleaner), clean all carpets and furniture inside the house. Don't forget, use a face mask when cleaning the area. This is done so that you do not breathe dust contaminated by rodent feces.
  • Consult a doctor.Immediately check health after visiting endemic areas where the disease is endemic. Even if you don't have typhus symptoms, it's best to keep checking. Because in many cases, new typhus symptoms appear after a few weeks of infection.

Preventing transmission of typhus needs high discipline. The above methods must be done at the time before starting treatment with treatment because if no precautionary measures are taken, it will be highly contagious and do not rule out the possibility of re-infection in patients who have recovered.

Deepening Typhus: Effective Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
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