Fill the Stomach with Balloons, the Promising New Diet Method. Dare to Try?


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Usually, if someone wants to lose weight, then the advice or advice given is to apply a healthy lifestyle, maintain a diet, and exercise regularly. You might have done all of these things, but your weight didn't go down. If this happens, you can try a diet method with balloons to lose weight. Strange indeed, overcoming obesity by eating balloons. However, this method turned out to be quite effective. Then how is this treatment done? Is it safe to try?

Lose weight by eating balloons

Is that eating balloons? So, in this case an elastic balloon-like object - certainly not a real balloon - is inserted into the stomach of a person who is obese by mouth (swallowed). After being swallowed, the balloon will be pumped through a special channel. After pumping, the balloon will certainly enlarge in the stomach. This is intentionally done with the aim that the room of your stomach becomes full and there is little left for the food that enters.

So, when you eat later, even though you have just eaten a little, but the stomach immediately feels full. In the end, your daily intake will decrease and then your weight will also decrease.

However, this method of treating obesity can only be done under the supervision of experienced doctors and nutritionists. So, you can't eat balloons carelessly and hope to get thin fast.

Several studies have proven that eating balloons is effective enough to help reduce the weight of people who are overweight. One of them, a study published in the Turkish Journal Gastroenterol in 2010 revealed that the weight loss that occurs in this way can reach 25% of the initial body weight. This is considered effective enough to lose weight in a fast time.

The risk of filling your stomach with a balloon to lose weight

Balloon eating has indeed been proven to reduce weight in people with obesity problems. However, just like other medical measures, this treatment procedure also has its own risks and side effects. What problems might occur after undergoing this procedure?

  • The stomach feels uncomfortable. Because your stomach is filled with balloons filled with air, you will easily feel bloated and full. Therefore, if you do decide to take this treatment, you should consult with a nutritionist before you can plan the right meal.
  • Infection. Balloons inserted in the stomach are objects that come from outside the body. Therefore, the balloon is at risk of causing infection. This is usually known if the patient experiences symptoms such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
  • Indigestion. One of the risks of eating balloons is indigestion. Because the balloon that is in the stomach actually affects the work system of your digestive organs.

Do I need to eat balloons to lose weight?

Methods of weight loss with new balloons are permitted in Europe and the United States. In Indonesia, this method has not been clinically tested, let alone legalized as a treatment for obesity.

After all, this method can only be done by obese people who have never managed to lose weight even though they have been on a diet and exercising regularly. According to a number of studies and clinical trials, pthis treatment can also be successfully implemented if accompanied by the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a diet and exercising every day.

So, if your goal is only to lose weight, you should not be easily tempted by the instant. So far there is no instant way to lose weight. You have to work on a healthy lifestyle regularly and sustainably if you really want to achieve your ideal body weight.

Fill the Stomach with Balloons, the Promising New Diet Method. Dare to Try?
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