Here's How to Take Care of the Right Cast When You Broken Bones


Medical Video: What Happens To Your Body When You Break A Bone

One of the treatments performed on people who experience a fracture is by placing a cast. However, in some cases, casts can cause problems if not treated properly. How do you treat a broken bone cast properly? Then how do I get used to the attached cast?

Why do you need a cast when you have a broken bone?

Usually casts are placed on people who have undergone surgery. Casts that are attached to your body actually function to speed up healing of broken bones, prevent bones from being hit, and reduce muscle movement and contraction in the injured part.

Casts that are installed, make your movements not free and can even make yourself uncomfortable. There are several problems that may arise when you use casts, such as swelling or irritation on the skin. Therefore, you must know the right way to treat your cast.

How to deal with swelling in the part of the body that is attached to the cast?

After surgery, usually your former surgery will swell - actually this includes the healing process. Of course, you will feel uncomfortable, especially with the presence of a swollen part of the body that will feel more painful. Here are ways to reduce swelling when using casts:

  • Increases the position of swollen parts of the body. Try to position your swollen body part higher than your heart.
  • Move the swollen part of the body. Even though your movements are limited, it doesn't mean you are passive. Try to keep moving the area with the cast. For example, if you put a part of your foot in casts, you can move your fingers so that the blood flow more smoothly.
  • Use painkillers. If you feel very sick, you can use painkillers to deal with the pain and swelling that occurs.

treatment of leg fractures

Can the cast be exposed to water?

Actually, this depends on the type of cast.If the cast on your body is made of fiber, it doesn't matter if it's exposed to water. However, you should coat the cast when bathing if the plaster is made of plaster because the plaster cast will be damaged if it is wet and exposed to water. Therefore, when you are plastered by a doctor, do not forget to ask whether the cast may be exposed to water or not.

If your cast is not allowed to be exposed to water but accidentally wet, you should dry it immediately. You can use hair dryer so that the cast dries quickly.

Then when can my cast be removed?

This depends on the condition of each individual. If indeed the bones have returned together and you have felt strong to do daily activities without casts, then the doctor will take them off.In addition, the cast may be removed if you feel symptoms such as:

  • It feels very painful in the part that is put on the cast
  • In that section it feels warm
  • Having skin problems
  • Discoloration of the skin around the part of the body paired with casts
  • Have a fever
  • It's hard to move a part of the body that is paired with casts

If you experience this, you should immediately consult a doctor who handles you.

Here's How to Take Care of the Right Cast When You Broken Bones
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