The Right Tips for Treating Skin Irritation As a Result of Using Sanitary Napkins


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The use of sanitary napkins during menstruation can irritate the skin in the groin area and your intimate organs. If not handled quickly, irritated skin due to sanitary napkins can increase the risk of other infections in the vagina.

Causes of vulvar dermatitis

Irritation of the vaginal skin is referred to as vulva dermatitis. The vulva is the outermost part of the vagina that you can see with the naked eye, usually covered by pubic hair.

This skin irritation can be caused by continuous friction between sanitary napkins and skin when you walk or run, so that the longer the top layer of skin becomes worn and damaged. As a result, the skin around the vaginal area becomes sensitive and inflamed. Moreover, the vaginal skin is thinner and more susceptible to irritation than other body parts.

Irritable skin symptoms due to sanitary napkins are characterized by skin that is painful, itchy, hot like burning, and reddened. Crotch skin can even peel. In some cases, irritation can spread to the buttocks.

Tips for overcoming irritated skin due to sanitary napkins

You can use a corticosteroid ointment or cream once a day to treat inflamed vaginal skin. Continue using the cream for 7-10 days so the irritation improves. In addition to the topical form, corticosteroids are also available in the oral version (oral medication). In order to be more sure which one is the best and most effective way to treat your condition, you should consult a doctor first. The type and dosage of the medication the doctor will give will depend on the severity of your irritation.

To relieve pain, heat, and discomfort due to irritation, you can put cold compresses in the groin area. However, do not immediately put ice on the skin. Wrap the ice first with a cloth or clean towel, then compress it to the irritated skin. Do it for 10-15 minutes, repeat several times a day if necessary.

Don't forget to avoid other risk factors that can trigger more severe irritation. Apart from the use of sanitary napkins, vulva dermatitis can also be caused by reactions to the chemicals of soap, vaginal cleansing fluid, chlorine in pool water, vaginal lubricants, latex condom allergies, to the use of dirty underwear.

How to prevent skin irritation during menstruation due to using sanitary napkins

There are several tips to prevent skin irritation due to sanitary napkins during menstruation, namely:

  • Maintain vaginal hygiene during menstruation. Wash from the back to the front with running water, then dry your miss V area so it is not damp. The moist vaginal environment is favored by bacteria and fungi.
  • Do not use soap or other cleansers that contain perfume when cleaning your genitals. Only use water if you want to clean it.
  • Don't be lazy to replace sanitary napkins and panties. Ideally, pads must be replaced every four hours. That is, you should replace the pads 4-6 times a day. Sanitary pads that are rarely replaced can moisturize the vagina and instead become a nest of bacteria and fungi which ultimately causes infection in the vagina.
  • Avoid using sex lubricants that contain harmful chemicals for the vagina. If you are experiencing irritation or have just recovered, you can use natural oils such as almond oil or olive oil, as a temporary lubricant.
The Right Tips for Treating Skin Irritation As a Result of Using Sanitary Napkins
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