When do you need to remove a bone pen after an injury?


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Generally, when a person has a serious leg fracture, the doctor inserts a pen in the bone to help glue the broken bone back and hold the bone in the right position. Its function is to make bones grow faster and reconnect. But will this pen be in the bone forever? When can the pen release procedure be done? See the full explanation in this article.

Should the pen in the bone be removed after some time?

In most cases, removing the pen in the bone is not necessary. However, there are some exceptions where your doctor may recommend a free pen procedure. For example, some doctors recommend the removal of syndesmotic screws (for severe ankle sprains) when someone will take action weight bearing - gives a heavy burden on the part that has a broken bone.

Generally, pen in bone can remain in the body without causing problems, and many doctors say that removing the pen should not be considered a part of the "routine" in any treatment of fractures or related, unless there is a complaint from the patient.

What signs do you need to release the pen?

In some patients, inserting a pen in the bone can cause irritation to the surrounding tissue. This can cause bursitis, tendonitis, or local irritation. In this case, removing the pen can relieve the irritation that occurs.

There are a number of other signs if the pen in your bone has a problem and requires you to do a pen release procedure, such as:

  • The onset of pain such as pain in the area of ​​pen placement is the most common problem.
  • There are infections, nerve damage due to scarring, and healing of incomplete bones (non-union). If the doctor's diagnosis finds an infection, the surgeon will perform treatment for infection with the procedure called debridement. But nerves can be injured during the healing process due to the appearance of scar tissue.
  • A loose pen procedure in the bone can also occur if the bone has not yet healed, so the doctor needs to do further stabilization or correction to ensure action can be taken.

But in general, a variety of efforts will be made to protect the pen so that it can remain properly attached after the operation takes place so that the healing of fractures or other conditions can be faster and not cause problems.

What are the side effects of loose pen?

For each operating procedure there is a risk. That is why, the release of pen in bone has the potential for surgical complications. Especially if the pen release is done on a pen that has long been installed in a patient's bone. If this is done, it will cause weakening of bone function in the pen part that is released.

The most common risk after taking off pen action is due to infection. Because the installation of a pen in the bone can be a source of persistent infection in the body. This is because your body cannot fight pen infections because of your body's immune defenses and antibiotic treatments that do not work properly.

Now, if this happens, the possibility of releasing pen in bone can cause persistent infection and cause other potential problems. In this situation, the pen in the bone must be removed to cure the infection.

In addition, you can also experience nerve damage, experience a broken bone, and risk of anesthesia. Discuss this possibility with your surgeon before surgery to know how to avoid it.

It must be noted, if a freelance procedure can have the possibility and inconvenience for you. The reason, in some cases of loose pen in the bone can be an effect for persistent problems after undergoing orthopedic surgery. It is important for you to carry out in-depth consultations with the relevant doctor when deciding to do a free procedure.

When do you need to remove a bone pen after an injury?
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