Can You Meet Daily Nutrition Intake of Cow Milk?


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It's no secret that cow's milk is a healthy and nutritious food source. Milk does contain various types of nutrients needed by the human body. However, how big is the role of cow's milk in your health and nutritional adequacy? Can it replace daily food with cow's milk to meet daily nutritional needs? Come on, see the explanation according to nutrition experts below.

What are the nutritional content of cow's milk?

Cow's milk contains various nutrients. Among them are calories, protein, carbohydrates, folic acid, vitamins, minerals such as calcium, and fat. According to a nutritionist, Dr. Matthew Lantz Blaylock, Ph.D. when met in South Jakarta on Friday (09/14), cow's milk was often asked as "almost perfect natural food."

However, the nutritional content of each cow's milk varies, depending on the quality of the milk producing cow, the processing process, and the way it is presented. Dr. Matthew Lantz Blaylock, Ph.D. said that cow's milk with the highest and good gizmo content is fresh milk, which is not added by any ingredients such asstabilizer or artificial sweeteners.

So can you meet your daily nutritional needs with cow's milk? 

Although milk is a nutrient-dense food, according to Dr. Matthew's cow's milk cannot replace other types of food or drinks to meet the daily nutritional needs of humans. "Milk can only fulfill some of our daily nutritional needs. So it's best not to drink milk to replace other food sources. Milk cannot be used as the main food, "said Dr. Matthew.

Furthermore, Dr. Matthew explained that milk is indeed an important part of a healthy diet and balanced nutrition, but it is not appropriate for milk to be relied upon to replace food such as vegetables and fruit.

Even three glasses of cow's milk have not been able to meet the daily needs of protein and calcium for children and adults. "A glass of cow's milk only contains about 30 percent of our daily calcium needs. While the protein content in a glass of milk is only around 8 grams, it is still far from our protein requirements, "said Dr. Matthew.

In short, cow's milk cannot replace other foods to meet the daily nutritional needs of humans. You still have to refer to the Balanced Nutrition Guidelines by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), which is to consume a variety of foods every day.

Launching from the Ministry of Health, there is no single type of food that contains all types of nutrients that the body needs to ensure growth and maintain its health. This includes cow's milk. Cow's milk may be rich in calcium, but low in vitamin C and fiber. Cow's milk also contains protein, but the amount is only small.

That's why you still need nutrients from other foods to supplement your nutritional intake by eating a variety of foods.

Can You Meet Daily Nutrition Intake of Cow Milk?
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