Baby Sleeps Better in His Own Room, Than With His Parents


Medical Video: Baby Sleep Training: Putting a Baby to Sleep

In Indonesia, it seems that it is not normal for babies to sleep alone in their rooms. Because not all parents to the heart to let their children alone all night. Sleeping in the same room is also felt to save time and energy when children wake up in the middle of the night to ask for food, rather than having to go back and forth to different rooms. But if you want your baby to sleep better, maybe you should start training your little one to sleep alone in his bedroom.

Babies sleep alone in their room will be more restful than in your room and husband

A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine shows that 85% of babies who are left alone to sleep in their bedrooms can sleep faster, more soundly, and last longer than the group of babies who sleep.share a room or bed with their parents. Babies who sleep separately with their parents also tend to develop a schedule of going to bed and wake up consistently.

This finding was obtained after the research team looked at sleep patterns from nearly 10,000 babies in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. The researcher then also tested the questionnaire given to each parent of the baby.

According to Jodi Mindell, the lead author of this study and director of the Sleep Center association at Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia, there are several possible reasons why babies sleep alone in their rooms can be better than their parents. One of the main reasons is that babies can determine for themselves when it's time to sleep. Not "forced" to sleep with the help of breastfeeding or pacifier bottles. The atmosphere of a quiet room without disturbance of movement or chat parents can also help him to fall asleep faster.

Parents are also more likely to make unsafe sleeping habits when sharing a bedroom with their baby. For example, putting a child to sleep in the same bed with you and your partner, or decorating a baby's bed with pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals when the baby shares their room. Sleep habits like this can increase a baby's risk of sudden death (SIDS), whether due to being crushed by your body / partner or strangling pillows and blankets.

But not all babies can sleep alone. There is an age limit

Babies sleeping alone in a room separate from their parents can help them develop healthier sleep patterns, and may last into adulthood. However, not all babies may be left to sleep alone without supervision.

The findings above find that parents can train babies to sleep alone in separate roomsafter more than four months old. Babies who sleep alone after 4 months can sleep for up to 9 hours than babies who sleep with their parents even up to one year old.

Before babies reach this ideal age, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents to sleep with babies in the same room but on separate beds to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Older, babies will be more prone to experiencing the phase of separation anxiety when asked to sleep alone. The phase of separation anxiety is the phase when the child does not want to part with his parents. This phase is reported to peak when a child turns 1 year of age. These times are the worst times to make big changes from a child's development perspective. Therefore, if you want to train your child to sleep alone, ideally do it before the baby steps on his first birthday.

Then, what should you do?

The decision to let your baby sleep alone in a separate room actually returns to you. as a parent, you certainly know which is best for your baby. If you really want to start training your own baby, go ahead. As long as you remember the age limit above. You can also use baby monitor reinforcements if you are still worried about letting your baby sleep alone.

But there is no need to force it if you feel the baby is not ready. Alternatively, you can place a separate baby crib in your bedroom. That way, babies can sleep on their own, but are still within the control of you and your partner.

Baby Sleeps Better in His Own Room, Than With His Parents
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