Mumps In Children, Does It Still Happen Commonly?


Medical Video: Mumps - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Mumps is an infectious disease that often attacks children. This disease is caused by a virus. To prevent mumps in children, it is recommended that the child be vaccinated when he is a baby. Vaccines are very effective in preventing mumps in children. For more details, see the following review.

Is that mumps?

Have you ever seen a child experience swelling in his cheeks? Maybe the child has mumps. This is different from goiter. Mumps or parotitis or in English is called mumps is a disease caused by a virus. Meanwhile, goiter is usually caused due to lack of iodine nutrients.

The virus that causes mumps usually infects the parotid gland (salivary gland), so that the salivary glands swell. Because it is caused by a virus, the mumps can spread through saliva (saliva). But, usually mumps is not more contagious than measles or smallpox. People who have mumps are usually the most contagious on two days before symptoms appear until six days after symptoms end.

Mumps usually attacks children aged 2-14 years. Children aged less than 2 years, especially less than 1 year usually rarely suffer from mumps. This may be because children less than 2 years old still have good antibodies from their mothers.

What are the symptoms of mumps in children?

Mumps usually appears with initial symptoms of fever, around 39.4 ° C. After that followed by swelling of the salivary gland for the next few days. The gland will continue to swell and feel pain for 1-3 days. At this time, the child's cheeks will look swollen. Children will also feel pain when swallowing, talking, chewing, or drinking acidic water.

Apart from fever, other symptoms of mumps that can appear are:

  • Fatigue
  • Aches
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite

What complications can occur due to mumps?

If not handled properly, mumps can cause complications. But, usually this rarely happens. Although mumps viruses cause inflammation of the parotid glands, this virus can also cause inflammation in other parts of the body, such as the brain and reproductive organs, so the mumps can spread to become a complication.

Some of the complications that can occur due to mumps are:

  • Orchitis, which is inflammation of the testicles
  • Meningitis, which is inflammation of the membranes around the spinal cord and brain
  • Encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain
  • Pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas

Are Indonesian children still attacked by mumps?

Mumps in Indonesian children may be rare. This is because there is already a vaccine that can prevent mumps in children. Vaccines to prevent mumps are given together with vaccines to prevent measles and German measles (rubella). This vaccine is called the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella).

Based on IDAI (Indonesian Pediatrician Association), the MMR vaccine is given to children aged 15 months. Giving a vaccine again is given at the age of 5-6 years. After the child receives this vaccine, the possibility of the child suffering from mumps becomes very small. This is because antibodies are formed in the child's body to fight the virus that causes mumps (if the virus enters the child's body). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you have a baby to vaccinate or complete immunization to your baby.

Giving MMR vaccine evenly to all Indonesian children can minimize the possibility of Indonesian children being affected by mumps or children contracting mumps. In the end, mumps can be very rare in Indonesia.

Mumps In Children, Does It Still Happen Commonly?
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