Substitute Milk in Your Child's Dining Menu


Medical Video: Alternative Milk Formula, Bladderwrack & Sea Moss

There are several benefits of drinking milk other than just for 'strong bones'. This benefit comes from dairy products such as cheese, butter, cheese cottageand also flavored milk. Consumption of milk is very important to maintain good health and is a source of calcium for all ages. The following are 6 benefits that you and your child can get by drinking milk:


Milk is the best source of calcium for our body. Calcium protects our body from porous bones, migraine headaches, obesity in children, and helps lose unwanted fat. It is important to get the recommended amount of calcium intake every day to maintain strong bones and health benefits, and prevent future health risks due to lack of calcium.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D actually helps the body absorb calcium. Vitamin D helps strengthen bones by supporting bone growth and reducing the risk of brittle bones. Vitamin D also reduces inflammation and improves immune function.

Healthy bones

There are three main factors that contribute to healthy and strong bones. Genetics, physical activity, and proper calcium intake. ⅛ serving ounces of milk provides 290 mg of milk, which is a very good source of calcium. You can also offer a low-fat cheese dish containing 204 mg of calcium. Because milk is rich in calcium, which is very important for growth and milk forms a proper and strong bone structure that helps prevent disruption of bone growth, it also reduces the chance of fractures when injured.

Healthy teeth

Encouraging your child to drink milk will result in significant dental health. Milk protects the tooth surface against acids. Drinking milk for energy and good health will help your child reduce consumption of other soft drinks, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay and weak gums.


Milk contains a good amount of water molecules, which helps keep the body hydrated. Especially for children who continue to be active and walk around it is important to stay hydrated. Therefore a glass of milk is a great resource for hydration.

Increase vitamin intake

Milk contains vitamins and minerals to keep you fit, healthy and strong. Vitamins and minerals that are good for vision, carbohydrates that increase energy and protein for body repair and growth.

Alternative milk

Milk is a nutritious food ingredient and is a source of calcium and protein for children. But some children don't like to drink it, which can make you worry as a parent. The good news is there are various other foods that contain calcium and protein, because that can replace milk in your child's diet.

  • Cheese. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, feta, cream cheese, sour cream, or ricotta cheese can be ground into foods such as potatoes, added to pasta / pizza, made into dyes or used in desserts. Hard cheese can be sliced ​​or grated, and pour into a dish or use to make sauce. Cut cheese or even grated cheese can be a good snack.
  • Yogurt. Natural unsweetened yogurt is the best type of yogurt, but if it's not available, then yogurt with a variety of flavors is also good. You can make yogurt yourself and can be mixed with fruit or added to soup.
  • Milkshakes. Add your favorite fruit (a good alternative way to include milk in fruits).
  • Ice cream or frozen yogurt. Stay alert to the sugar content.
  • Custards and milk pudding. Again, keep limiting the amount of sugar to make this alternative healthy. Homemade versions can be a good choice.
  • Milk can be added to dishes such as mashed potatoes, pancakes. These foods will contribute to calcium and protein.
Substitute Milk in Your Child's Dining Menu
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