5 Wise Ways to Respond to Hoax and Negative News To Avoid Stress


Medical Video: How To STOP Negative/Stressful Thinking Once and For All

Murder, persecution, corruption, and other negative issues that make stress possible have become your daily food. Addressing news of hoaxes and negatives on social media, as well as newspapers and TV, it really needs to be digested well. For people who like to swallow the contents of the news raw without filtering it can backfire for him. Wrong-wrong, can make mental health, perspective, and mindset become damaged. Then is there a way to respond hoax news or negative circulating so as not to damage the mind and make stress? See the method below, yes.

What can be done to address the news hoaxes and negatives

1. Pay attention to your emotional condition when reading the news

In addition to making a profit, certain news are often used as "vehicles" to change your mind and perception of the broadcast news. In fact, there are ways to address the news of hoaxes and negatives so as not to affect yourself. Look, initially try to observe your habits to get information.

When you watch or read the news, do you notice how you receive information that is broadcast? Some news content sometimes makes you nauseous, stomach ache, or headaches.

The thing you feel in the body is generally related to negative emotions. This is a reaction that involves your sympathetic nervous system, almost similar to an anxiety condition.

It's good to pay attention to how your body and your feelings react. If the news you get makes it stressful, stop first. Stay away from sources of information from handphone, social media, television, and others. This is important so that your mental health stays awake and the brain is not overwhelmed with negative emotions that pop up.

2. Limit the time to access the news

Reading the news is certainly very important, but don't let you become obsessed and feel you should always update about the outside world. You must be able to limit yourself to access information that tends to be negative or even hoaxes.

This is also done so that you can remain positive, not constantly negative. You can limit yourself by spending a certain amount of time reading or watching the news.

For example, every day set the time to read the news at certain hours and times, such as reading the news in the morning before leaving for work. The rest you take the time to do more useful things, so you can give more positive energy to your life.

3. Balance with positive things in life

After seeing negative news here and there, balance with things or environments that are positive and entertaining. For example, by mingling with friends and family (but do not talk about negative things non-stop), pursue your hobbies, exercise, and take a walk to a pleasant place. In essence, look for activities that make you feel lighter and happier.

4. Filter the source of the news well

Social media has become the main source of connection for the news that is happening. However, it can also backfire for those of you who like to swallow raw information on social media.

To address the hoax or negative news that is widely circulating, you must be very selective in filtering news from anywhere that can be trusted and worth reading. Avoid information from sources that like to dramatize or exaggerate an event, for example. Note also whether the quality or value of the news is important and good, not just a momentary sensation (which is usually just a hoax).

5. Make changes for yourself and around

Sometimes people can only complain and demand, without making better changes that come from themselves. For those of you who are fed up with negative news in the media, this can be one of the right moments to make changes.

Move from the front of the TV, put the cellphone on, and join to volunteer or to a particular community to make small changes but the impact is great. Where action is more successful than just grumbling on social media without making the world better.

5 Wise Ways to Respond to Hoax and Negative News To Avoid Stress
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