6 Reasons That Are Most Often Thrown from the Mouth to Say Liar


Medical Video: The Easiest Way to Spot a Liar Within 2 Minutes

It feels like no one in this world has ever lied. In fact, people lying isn't enough at all. The reasons are various. The most classic, though, because they think that it's better to lie than to hurt others. But it turns out there are many other lying reasons that often come out from the mouths of many people, maybe including you too.

The most common reasons for lying are people

1. Lying for good

Lying for good is the most common lying reason coming out of the mouth of many people because of actions that look noble. You choose to cover up the truth that feels bitter, rather than having to see the people closest to you hurt if you know the facts.

But, do you know that in fact they prefer to be disappointed to hear bitter truths rather than feeling happy because things are fictional? After all, the fictitious thing will eventually be discovered and eventually it will disappoint too.

2. Accustomed to lying

Many people continue to lie because they think lies are not something wrong or should be exaggerated. They do not think that saying a lie will bring a bad domino effect, because precisely the things that have to be covered are the problem. So they don't have a problem if they have to lie so that they don't get caught up in other problems.

3. Not comfortable if you don't lie

Habits lying after a long time it will make the liar feel proud of his skill in assembling boasting that has managed to cheat many people. It is this confidence which then encourages him to continue to lie with other new boasting. In the end, they will continue to lie because they make them comfortable.

pathological and compulsive liar

4. To cover up previous lies

Once you lie, you can't help but prepare the next lie for supporting the boastful storyline to make it sound reasonable. Whatever the reason for your lying before, this chain reaction will almost always occur. The reason is, when the lie appears, chances are that your colleague will ask other things related to it. Finally, your brain makes a new lie again. The longer, the more lies you make.

5. Lying when you don't intend to lie

When you are faced with a problem that becomes out of control, it's natural if you feel stressed. Starting from the mixed feelings between anxiety, fear and panic, heavy sweat, palpitations, and so on.

This natural stress response will then turn on another response, namely the response 'how should I get out of this problem as soon as possible without problems'. One way is to lie. Yes, your brain will quickly give suggestions and look for the fastest way to say things that are fictitious, so you can quickly get out of the situation.

6. Lie passively aggressively to reflect desire

There are people who lie when asked by friends or relatives about their personal lives. Familiar with this kind of lie, "Oh sorry, my boyfriend didn't come because he was chasing a project abroad" - even though, he had just been terminated because of cheating?

The reason for lying as above may be based on personal dissatisfaction with what he had or got at the time, so lying was used as a way to "beautify" his life so that people who heard him were amazed or liked him.In fact, behind that lie is actually a big dream. The desire to have life as he mentioned is a lie.

Of all these lying reasons, let's answer honestly, which do you often use when lying?

6 Reasons That Are Most Often Thrown from the Mouth to Say Liar
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