Recognize 5 Main Characteristics of Toxic People, Poison in Your Friendship


Medical Video: 6 Signs You’re Dealing With a Toxic Person

Never heard of the name toxic people? Toxic people aka people who are "toxic"is a type of person who likes to trouble and harm other people, both physically and emotionally. Approximately, what are the important characteristics of toxic people that you must know and stay away from. See the explanation below?

Characteristic featurestoxic people that must be shunned from your friendship

1. Just be happy

One characteristic toxic people all you can feel is that they don't exist for you when you need them. However, they always force you to help them when they are hit by distress. Not only that, if they really have helped you, it will be discussed and brought up continuously.

2. Don't empathize or sympathize with you

Don't expect negative people to fully understand yourself. Toxic people is one of the characteristics of people who cannot understand and understand the conditions of others. Suppose you are telling your problem. Instead of supporting and entertaining, they may be busy judging and blaming you.

3. Likes to control and manipulate others

The most annoying thing from toxic people is they like trying to control and manipulate others. They will make other people do what they want. They will use other people to achieve their goals. They also did not hesitate to lie and dodge with a million reasons if their lies were revealed.

Worse yet, this person can make you feel indebted to him. They can also hurt your feelings, on the pretext that their actions are done to save you. For example, insulting someone as "fat" with the reason that he wants to try harder to diet.

This "toxic" behavior is almost the same as psychopathic behavior. If they have succeeded in making you do what he wants through manipulation, then he will do even worse things.

4. Do not want to admit mistakes or apologize

Besides annoying and harming you, toxic people can't apologize, even though they are clearly wrong. They will consider their mistakes to be caused by someone else. In many cases, they try to establish good relations with others but actually to achieve their own goals, they try to gain sympathy and attention by pretending to be victims of aliases play victim.

5. Degrading or belittling you

Whatever success or success you have, toxic people will always deny and upset you. When he knows you succeeded and got an achievement, he will indirectly compare negatively with other people or himself, or even drop you. In essence, he is not happy for the success you have and tries to humble you.

Recognize 5 Main Characteristics of Toxic People, Poison in Your Friendship
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