5 Ways For Women To Not Be Infected With Gender


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As the name implies, sexually transmitted diseases or often called venereal diseases are diseases that can spread because of sexual behavior. This type of disease has been experienced by many people because it can attack anyone, including you. Even so, you can still prevent sexually transmitted diseases by doing various appropriate methods.

Who is at risk of contracting venereal disease?

If you have had sex before, you have the potential to get sexually transmitted diseases. Why is that?

Sexually transmitted diseases attack everyone indiscriminately

It is true that people who often change partners and people who have same-sex sex are more at risk for this disease. However, the data shows that even housewives are also at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.

Based on data from the HIV / AIDS Information Data Center from Ministry of Healththe highest number of AIDS reported was in housewives, which amounted to 6539. This data was from 1987 to 2014.

Already millions of people have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases and the number will continue to grow

Data shows that in the United States, it is estimated that nearly 20 million people contract sexually transmitted diseases each year. This number is fantastic, which is half of the total number of people aged 15-24 years.

Other data states, 80% of the total people who are actively engaged in sexual activities have certainly been exposed to one sexually transmitted disease, HPV. In fact, in 2015, diseases such as chlamydia were estimated to affect 65% of all youth aged 15-24 years. Gonorrhea follows behind with a figure of 50%.

Third, sexually transmitted diseases often do not cause symptoms

You may not be aware that you have the disease because there are many venereal diseases that do not cause symptoms, especially in the early stages of infection. New symptoms will appear when the disease is said to be severe.

How do you protect yourself from contracting venereal disease?

The absolute risk factor that causes you to get infected by sexually transmitted diseases is because you have sexual intercourse, whether it's penis and vaginal contact, oral sex or anal sex. If you don't have sex, the chances of you getting infected will be zero.

However, that does not mean the only way to prevent it is that you may not have sex at all. The following are ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

1. Be loyal to your partner

You can reduce the risk of contracting venereal disease by doing less sex with fewer people. The smallest risk of course is to be loyal to your only partner at home. Of course, with a note that your partner has also not been infected with venereal disease.

2. Stay away from alcohol

Why stay away from alcohol is a form of prevention? If you have sex but are affected by alcohol, the risk of having sex safely will decrease. In other words, when you are unconscious or drunk, you are at risk of having risky sex. For example, you can hurt your partner so that bacteria or viruses that cause venereal disease can enter the wound.

3. Do vaccinations

You can vaccinate HPV to reduce the risk of getting HPV. Based on data from the American Sexual Health Association, the 6-year HPV vaccine has been successful in reducing the prevalence of HPV in women aged 14-19 years by 64% and 34% of women aged 20-24 years. So, the HPV vaccine has been proven to be successful in reducing the risk of HPV.

4. Invite the husband to use a condom

Even though you can still get herpes or HPV when using a condom, most condoms can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Some condoms even contain ingredients that can kill microorganisms that cause disease. If you want to be more romantic, you as a wife can put a condom on your husband.

5. Maintain vaginal hygiene especially before and after sex

According to WebMD, you need to clean the genital organs before atdanau after having sex to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. By maintaining cleanliness of the genital area, you can prevent being attacked by microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

Choose feminine cleaning antiseptic fluid containing povidone-iodine, to eradicate the bacteria that causes infection in the vagina. Use feminine cleanser immediately after every sex so your vaginal health is protected. Don't forget, the vaginal cleanser is enough to be used on the outside of the vagina, because the inside of the vaginal opening already has its own cleansing mechanism with the help of good bacteria.

5 Ways For Women To Not Be Infected With Gender
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