Is it possible for Genital Warts to Heal Alone?


Medical Video: HPV Causing Cancer In Men

Warts can appear on sensitive parts, such as genitals. Suddenly there is a wart in the genital area which makes you panic and worry. Actually, genital warts can heal themselves no, yes, like other warts?

Can genital warts heal alone?

Genital warts are venereal diseases caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Mostly, genital warts can heal on their own without needing special treatment.

However, still, untreated genital warts may multiply and spread everywhere. Genital warts appear like pink bumps or soft flesh around the genitals and are usually more sensitive to the touch.

Although HPV cannot be cured, genital warts can be treated. However, it is impossible to remove warts forever. That's because genital warts are just a symptom of HPV, which is a chronic infection for life. Even with treatment, warts can return later.

How long can genital warts heal?

For some people, genital warts can disappear by themselves or without treatment within two years or more. However, with certain treatments, genital warts can heal faster. Untreated warts tend to return faster.

If you use a special cream, it may take several months for genital warts to heal. Also, genital warts disappear more quickly by performing a surgical procedure.

Warts may not appear until several weeks or months after infection. In some cases, genital warts can take years to develop.

HPV virus infection can occur around the vagina or anus, in the cervix, in the groin or thigh area, or in the penis or scrotum. HPV can also cause warts on your throat, tongue, mouth or lips.

With treatment, genital warts heal and prevent health complications that may be caused by HPV, and relieve pain, itching, and irritation, reduce the risk of HPV spread, and get rid of warts that are difficult to clean.

What are the treatments for genital warts?

Topical cream

A doctor can prescribe topical creams, or recommend various over-the-counter drugs. However, over-the-counter drugs for ordinary warts cannot treat genital warts.

Creams of genital warts include:


This cream is made from green tea extract and is prescribed to manage external and anal genital warts. Apply this cream to the affected skin area three times a day for up to four months.

Sinecatechin is very effective, and most people can accept it well. Side effects may include burning sensations, pain, itching, and redness.


Imiquimod serves to get rid of external genital warts and has also been used to treat some skin cancers. Apply the ointment directly to the wart at least 3 days a week for up to 4 months.

Imiquimod can also help to boost a person's immune system, encouraging him to fight HPV infection. However, research has shown that it is effective in more than 50 percent of people. Also, women observe the loss of complete warts more often than men.

Side effects can include redness or swelling in the area, a burning sensation, itching, flaky or dull skin


This involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze genital warts. Nitrogen causes blisters to form around each wart, and warts will fade when the blisters heal.

Cryotherapy is a fast and effective solution, although many people need multiple treatments to maintain results over time.

Side effects of cryotherapy may include pain, swelling around the genitals, and a mild burning sensation.


In this procedure, a surgeon burns genital warts with an electric current. Dry tissue is then scraped off, leaving the person free of warts.

A person will usually receive general anesthesia. The healing time can take between 4 and 6 weeks.

Electrodication is considered very effective. A controlled trial has reported that up to 94 percent of people who receive this treatment are wart-free after 6 weeks.

Side effects may include bleeding, infection, scarring, and discoloration of the skin.

Laser surgery

A surgeon also performs this procedure, using a laser beam to burn tissue. A person will usually receive local or general anesthesia, depending on the number and size of the warts.

A doctor can recommend laser surgery when warts are difficult to access, difficult to treat in other ways, spread, and prominent.

Recovery is expected to take around 4 weeks. Side effects of laser surgery may include bleeding, scarring, pain, pain and irritation in the area.

Is it possible for Genital Warts to Heal Alone?
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