Tired of Fussing with Spouses Because of the Same Problem? Here's how to finish it


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Do you often fight with your partner due to the problem? The fact is, most of the couples make a fuss about that and that. About money, housework, intimacy, and other things that are the source of problems. According to relationship expert Sheryl Paul, MD quoted from the Huffington Post, many couples argue the same thing every day because they have not studied how communication should be built.

Therefore, quarrels occur repeatedly due to the same and unresolved things. So, how do you solve that problem? Is that all with your partner?

Tips to solve the same problem when fighting with a partner

The following are various ways you can apply if you are always fussing about the same thing with your partner, such as:

1. Try lowering your ego

fight with boyfriend

When fighting with your partner, you may have difficulty controlling your emotions, so the tone of voice at that time also tends to be high because of following the ego.

If you want the problem to be finished soon, try to talk heart to heart. Try to get your partner to speak in a soft tone without being spiced up with harsh words.

Remember, the most important thing is your problem and your partner are resolved, not concerned with ego. Learn to empathize with your partner and not only see problems from your point of view, but also from a partner's perspective.

2. Understand if not all the immediate problems have a solution

Who does not want the problem to be resolved quickly and to completion, of course you and your partner are so. But sometimes there are some problems that really cannot be solved in a short time, even need several stages of completion until finally finished.

Even according to The Gottman Institute, research institutes on relationships in America found evidence of about 69 percent of problems in relationships that cannot be solved quickly.

If so, you and your partner must learn to try to accept and eliminate pain so that the problem will no longer be debated later.

3. Avoid the habit of blaming each other

angry partner

Blaming each other when fighting with a partner is usually inevitable. Unfortunately, you and your partner must realize that blame is not the way to solve a problem, only to make the problem worse.

If one another blames each other then your healthy mind will be closed by the ego. As a result, you continue to blame the couple because they feel that they are indeed blamed on this issue.

If in fact the spouse is wrong, you are still not advised to blame him with harsh accusations. It would be much better if you focused on the solution rather than having to spend energy by constantly blaming the couple.

4. Remind your love and attraction to your partner again

couple holding hands

As you continue to debate the same thing every day you will likely lose interest in the relationship that is being lived. If that's the case, try to slowly cultivate that interest again.

Because couples who are attracted to each other generally have happier relationships than those who don't. Those who are concerned with happiness and the purpose of the relationship will usually find it easier to put aside the personal ego for the common good.

Try to get used to the small attention that you often give to your partner. For example, asking how his days at work or going to a favorite place to date and reminisce about what makes you fall in love with each other.

5. Essentially, discuss all problems together

communication with communication partners in relationships

When you fight with your partner due to something, maybe you haven't discussed it too much together. Whatever the case, it's best to discuss it carefully first.

Express each opinion and then find a middle ground if they both disagree. Actually, all the problems that come in your relationship, both to nurture and increase the harmony of relationships.

So, practice your communication with your partner and discuss everything together.

Tired of Fussing with Spouses Because of the Same Problem? Here's how to finish it
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