Why should a husband and wife make a schedule for sex


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When you and your partner usually do sexual intercourse? Most people generally answer, "If you happen to be wanting to," or, "If it's not tired anymore." Sex has been considered an activity that occurs spontaneously and cannot be regulated. The problem is, many couples delay procrastination sessions because they often bump into all kinds of busyness outside the bedroom.

So, you both have to mschedule regular sex sessions on the calendar and agree on them. If you continue to postpone waiting for the right time, in the end you both just keep on being absent so that the affairs of the bed increasingly dormant. No wonder many couples who only have intercourse only 1-2 times a year. In fact, sex is one of the main keys to household harmony.

Why do intimate relationships have to be scheduled regularly

The notion that having sex is always spontaneous is a myth. If you want an intimate and passionate household, you have to set aside time to adjust and look forward to it.

Scheduling intimate relationships can be likened to planning a vacation. You have to think about what you want to buy or carry in a suitcase. You also have to first decide where your vacation destination is, when it's the right time to leave, schedule office leave, and don't forget to book airline tickets and hotel rooms. If you want to take the time to plan your vacation, why not with sex?

Scheduling time to make love is actually the best way to make a moment together you become more romantic and fun without burden.It's like making a schedule meeting office with clients, scheduling sex on the calendar directly will make you empty time and make it a priority that has been agreed upon.

Scheduling an intimate relationship will also make you both take the time to talk about the anticipated sex, for example to discuss when the right day, want to have sex where, what you both previously wanted to do (romantic dinner or watching a movie) , to design scenarios to realize your sex fantasies. In the end, this routine can help strengthen your bond as a husband and wife.

Moreover, you become more and more filled with thrilling waiting to (finally) be able to spend time alone with your partner. During counting down until the arrival of the D-day, you can start foreplay to continue to build sex drive. For example, by planning which sexy lingerie you want to use, buying (and trying) sex toys, making romantic surprises, or by exchanging sex messages. So when the time comes, your lovemaking session can be an unforgettable experience.

In addition, scheduling also helps us to manage time and energy. For example, if it has been determined on a certain date, do not spend all day cooking or overtime at the office. Thus when the time comes, you will not be exhausted and eventually absent from "responsibility".

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How do you schedule to have sex?

Determine how often you and your partner will have intercourse

Although this is not easy, try to agree and take the middle ground if you and your partner have different expectations.

Determine time

Choose a day where you and your partner are not too busy. If all is full, consult to make priority discussions. Maybe there are plans that have to be canceled or moved. But it's best, schedule it in such a way that it doesn't collide. Mark the agreed day in the calendar.

Mark on calendar

Use a calendar that can be accessed jointly by your partner, be it a calendar hung in a room or an electronic calendar. The important thing is you and your partner can access the schedule and indeed the calendar is seen every day.

Keep your promise

The plan will not come true, if one of you does not comply with a promise that has been agreed upon beforehand. If you break a promise with your partner, this means that you consider him not important in your life. This is a wrong first step and needs to be corrected immediately.

In the end, scheduling intimate relationships can increase the desire to have sex spontaneously.

Why should a husband and wife make a schedule for sex
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