How Aerobic Exercise Helps Your Body


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Aerobic exercise helps your body use insulin better. This means that aerobic exercise also shapes strong hearts and bones, reduces stress, increases blood circulation, and reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering blood glucose and blood pressure, and increasing cholesterol levels.

Perform moderate to strong aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week or a total of 150 minutes / week. Divide your activities at least 3 days a week and try not to forget to exercise for more than 2 consecutive days.

How to test the intensity of your exercise, try to find out if you can still talk during the sport, then try to sing. If you can still sing while exercising, that means your exercise is still of low intensity. High intensity means you can't chat during sports and will take a lot of breath during the activity. Medium intensity is when you can still chat but can't sing.

Starting from now!

If you haven't been very active lately, you can start with 5-10 minutes a day. Then, increase your activity session with an additional few minutes each week. Over time, you will see your fitness improve, and you will realize that you can do more than before.

Find time

If your busy schedule does not allow you to exercise for 30 minutes during the day, you have the option to divide it into 3 sports sessions for 10 minutes or more. Research has shown that the health benefits are the same when you do this.

For example, you can do brisk walking for 10 minutes after eating. Or you can try doing aerobics for 15 minutes in the morning before work and 15 minutes when you get home.

If you try to lose weight and maintain it, most people need to do more than 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.

Here are some examples of aerobic activities:

  • Brisk walking (outside or inside, even on a treadmill)
  • Static bicycle
  • Dance
  • Aerobics low-impact
  • Water aerobics
  • Playing tennis
  • Go up and down the stairs
  • Jogging / running
  • hiking
  • Row
  • Ice-skating or roller-skating
  • Gardening

Strength training

Strength training (also called endurance training) makes your body more sensitive to insulin and can reduce blood glucose levels. Strength training helps you maintain and build strong muscles and bones, and reduce your risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when your body is resting.

Preventing muscle loss with strength training is also the key to maintaining an independent lifestyle at your age.

Perform several types of strength training at least 2 times a week, in addition to aerobic activity.

Below are examples of strength training activities:

  • Practice weight lifting with a machine or free weights at the gym
  • Use resistance band
  • Lift light loads or things like canned food or bottled water at home
  • Gymnastics or exercises that use your own body weight for your muscle performance (example: push-ups, sit ups, squats, lunges)
  • Take classes that involve strength training
How Aerobic Exercise Helps Your Body
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