Little Finger Surgery


Medical Video: Hand Surgery


What are the problems that can appear on the little toe?

Three main problems that can occur are deformities, pain in the toe joints, and metatarsalgia (pain and inflammation in the foot ball). Foot disorders are caused by a tendon condition that moves the toes too tightly or unbalanced. When using shoes, the toes rub against the other fingers causing pressure and pain. Inflammation of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis can damage the toe joints and cause the joints to shift from their original position.

What are the benefits of this operation?

Your toes will become more straight so that your feet don't hurt when walking in shoes.

Prevention & warning

What should I know before having a little finger surgery?

Pads placed between the toes can help reduce pain. In addition, using soft-based shoes from a quality shoe store is actually quite effective in dealing with this problem. But if not, immediately contact the orthotics section for recommendations on soles or special shoes.



What should I do before having a little finger surgery?

In the surgical preparation stage, make sure you tell your doctor about your health condition, the medications you are taking, as well as all kinds of allergies you have. The anesthesiologist will explain the anesthesia procedure and give further instructions. Make sure you follow all doctor's instructions, including a ban on eating and drinking before surgery. In general, you are required to fast for six hours before the surgery is carried out. However, you may be allowed to consume drinks like coffee a few hours before the surgery.

What is the process of operating the little finger?

Various anesthetic techniques may be used in the operation process. Handling is done by surgery, including the effort to release or extend the tendon, put the joint back in place, straighten and cut and straighten the bones of the patient's toes.

What should I do after having a little finger surgery?

After surgery, you are allowed to go home the same day or the next day. In the first week after surgery, try to keep your feet elevated to reduce swelling. It usually takes about six weeks or more until the swelling has recovered enough and you can wear shoes again. Sports are proven to accelerate the recovery process. But before you decide to exercise, ask your doctor first.



What complications can occur?

Every operating procedure must have its own risks. The surgeon will explain all kinds of risks that may occur after surgery. Common complications that can occur after surgery are the effects of post-anesthesia, excessive bleeding, or blood clots in the deep vein (deep vein thrombosis or DVT).

For the operation of the little toe, complications that can occur are:

● nerve damage

● damage to blood vessels

● problems during bone healing

● toes cannot be moved

● severe pain, stiffness, and complex regional pain syndrome

● pain in your foot ball

● abnormalities in the finger reappear

You can reduce the risk of complications by following the doctor's directions before surgery, such as fasting and stopping taking certain drugs.


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Little Finger Surgery
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