Nutrition is not only important for pregnant women, but also for male fertility


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Folic acid for men, is it necessary? For couples who are trying to present the presence of your child, do not sometimes do various ways that "he said" can launch the intention of having a baby. Based on these reasons, it is predicted that men actually need folic acid for fertility with their partners. What is meant by folic acid? Is it true, also men need folic acid for the formation of pregnancy? Instead of guessing, let's look at the explanation below.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a substance contained in vitamin B9. Well, basically folic acid is important for the growth and development of cells in the body. For mothers who are pregnant, this folic acid must be in your bloodstream, the point is to form the prospective baby's brain and spinal cord cells. By fulfilling folic acid intake in the body of the pregnant woman, this can prevent the occurrence of fetal disorders where it will produce defects in babies at birth.

Then, what is the use of folic acid for men?

As said above, is there a relationship between the need for folic acid for men for the success of pregnancy? The answer is there. Men apparently need folic acid in providing the health of the sperm that will lead to conception. If you want to get healthy sperm quality, men should consume more intake that contains enough folic acid.

In 2008, there was a study published in a medical journal Human Reproduction which shows an association between high levels of folic acid in the genetic quality of male sperm. The study concluded that men who consumed folic acid more than 700 mg a day were able to reduce sperm abnormalities around 20 to 30 percent on average.

In addition, folic acid for men will reduce the potential for abnormal sperm presence in men. Usually this abnormal sperm condition is known as the term aneuploidity. Symptoms aneuploidity You can't just take it for granted. Defective sperm, later will also experience chromosomal abnormalities, whether the child can be born disabled or even the man will experience infertility. Therefore, for men who consume folic acid, the goal is not just for fertility, but also supports your future child will be born healthy.

Where do the sources of folic acid come from?

Of the many daily needs of folic acid in men, it is definitely necessary to consume nutritious intake. Here are some food sources that you can eat to get vitamin B9 content, which contains folic acid in it:

  • Green vegetable foods: asparagus, mustard greens, spinach, kale and broccoli
  • Fermented foods: Kimchi, tempeh, tape
  • Grains
  • Arab beans and edamame
  • Red beetroot
  • Salad consisting of lettuce, corn and long beans
  • Bananas, oranges, peaches, tomatoes, avocados and melons

Not all nutrients from folic acid and other nutrients are available for the body through food. So, you can complete it with supplements or multivitamins that contain folic acid from doctors for fertility. Do not forget to apply a healthy lifestyle, without reducing consumption of vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and antioxidants for the health of your body, sperm, and prospective babies.

Nutrition is not only important for pregnant women, but also for male fertility
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