Pregnancy Problems Caused By Diabetes


Medical Video: Diabetes and Pregnancy Risks

Blood sugar levels that are not well controlled in pregnant women who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause problems for the mother and also the baby, for example:

Birth defects

The baby's organ is formed during the first two months of pregnancy, usually before a mother knows that she is pregnant. Blood sugar that is not in control can affect the baby's organs that are being formed and will cause serious birth defects in the baby such as brain, spinal and heart defects.

Babies born big

Poorly controlled diabetes causes the baby's blood sugar levels to rise. Babies like "glut" and will grow to a large size. In addition to causing discomfort to the prospective mother during the last few months of pregnancy, a large baby can cause problems during labor for the mother and baby. For example, the mother may need to do a C-section or caesarean section to give birth to a baby. In addition, babies can be born with nerve damage due to pressure on the shoulder during labor.

C- Section (Caesar)

A C-section is an operation to give birth to a baby through the mother's stomach. A woman with poorly controlled diabetes has a higher risk of giving birth to a baby this way. When a baby is born by caesarean, it will take longer for the mother to recover.

High blood pressure (preeclampsia)

When a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, has protein in her urine, and often has swollen fingers and toes for a long time, she may experience high blood pressure. This is a serious problem that needs to be closely monitored and handled by a doctor. High blood pressure can cause damage to the prospective mother and her unborn baby, such as the possibility of the baby being born earlier and to the prospective mother can cause seizures or strokes (blood clots or bleeding in the brain that can cause brain damage) during labor and childbirth. Women who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes who experience high blood pressure are more often than women who do not have diabetes.

Premature birth

If the baby is born too early, later he will experience many complications, such as breathing problems, heart problems, bleeding into the brain, intestines, and also vision. Women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have a higher chance of giving birth too soon than women who do not have diabetes.

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

Diabetic patients who use insulin or other diabetes drugs have the potential to get blood sugar pressure that is too low. Low blood sugar can be a very serious problem, and even fatal if not treated quickly. Low blood sugar can be avoided if patients monitor their blood sugar levels closely and handle them early on.

If a patient's diabetes is not properly controlled during pregnancy, the baby can very quickly experience low blood sugar after birth. Baby's blood sugar must be monitored for several hours after giving birth.

Miscarriage or stillbirth

Miscarriage is the condition of the baby die before the gestational age reaches 20 weeks. Being born dead means that after 20 weeks, the baby dies in the womb. Miscarriage and stillbirth can occur for various reasons. A woman who has diabetes that is not well controlled has a higher risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Pregnancy Problems Caused By Diabetes
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