Tips to Support Pain Management


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It's okay when your body feels a little pain. Your body only warns about the danger around and makes you react to it. However, prolonged pain or chronic pain is a problem. This will interfere with daily life and have a negative impact on your overall health. When someone in your life has chronic pain, your life will also be affected. But there are ways to help friends or family to manage their pain.

Educate yourself

There are many treatments for chronic pain. From non-prescription drugs to medications prescribed by your doctor and from relaxation techniques for physical therapy. There are many different ways to deal with pain.

Your friends or family may already have their pain medication. Two common types of non-opioid pain relievers for mild to moderate illness (ibuprofen and paracetamol) or opioids for severe diseases (morphine and oxycodone). Depending on the characteristics of the pain, the doctor or pharmacist can recommend suitable drugs. You also have to study the side effects of these drugs.

Therapy to treat physical aspects of pain can be with heat or cold therapy, massage, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy (TENS), and physical therapy. Some mind and body therapies are relaxation and stress management techniques. There is also cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), where you and your friends or family can learn to stay positive and change the way you think to reduce pain. There is no concrete evidence of the effectiveness of this treatment, as is often used in combination with drugs.

Cooperate in treatment plans

Working together on a treatment plan will give you the opportunity to learn about the conditions and understand more about them. This can be an experience for you with your friends or family. There are steps you and your friends or family can take to get the best.

  • Have regular consultations with doctors. You can record any progress during treatment, how the pain reacts to the drug and if new pain occurs.
  • Remind friends or family to follow a doctor's prescription. Don't wait until pain occurs to take drugs. Some medications can reduce pain while some can prevent pain. The doctor is likely to prescribe medication to prevent pain too.
  • Make sure they stay active through exercise or physical therapy. Chronic pain can cause weight loss, reduce stamina and limit some activities. You can also join to create motivation for your friends or family.
  • Learn stress management. Your friends or family may experience stress because they cannot do activities or work well as before, can also cause depression. Together, you can learn to relax and find out how to reduce stress. The first step to reducing stress is getting enough sleep, being active, doing hobbies, and having positive thoughts.

Become an activist

You can join support groups to share your experiences. This can be an opportunity for you, friends and family to discuss experiences and what you learn from it, or you can find ways to solve problems from other people's stories.

It takes courage to open up and reach out to other people to provide causes and goals. Reaching is a sign of strength. You will not only educate yourself but also others by spreading understanding and knowledge to the community.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Tips to Support Pain Management
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