3 Ways to Overcome Acne Because Hormones Naturally


Medical Video: Put an End to Adult Acne

Acne due to hormones or acne vulgaris basically the same as other types of acne. However, it is usually called hormonal acne because it appears as a result of hormonal changes in the body. Especially because of an increase in androgen hormones such as testosterone.

When androgen levels increase, oil production is higher. This causes a change in activity in skin cells which can eventually trigger inflammation. Not only that, the development of hair follicles by bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) can then cause acne. So, how do you deal with zits due to hormones naturally?

How to deal with zits due to hormones naturally

If you are among those who are afraid of using acne medications from a doctor, then you can use the following methods to deal with zits due to hormones that are still relatively mild.

1. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil, aka tea tree oil, is known to reduce inflammation which can cause acne. Quoted from Healthline, research shows that as much as five percent of tea tree oil that is applied directly can help eliminate mild to moderate acne symptoms.

You can use tea tree oil products found in various skin care products such as facial cleansers or essential oils. However, if you want to use essential oils, make sure to thin them first with carrier oils such as coconut oil and olive oil.

Don't forget to do an allergy test before using essential oils on the skin. Apply the diluted part to the inner forearm. Then see the reaction during the first 24 hours. If it does not cause a negative reaction, then you can start using it on the face with acne.

2. Green tea

green tea green tea is pregnant

Green tea is known as an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation in the body. As an effort to overcome acne due to hormones, you can drink green tea every day. Besides being drunk, you can also use acne lotions or gels that also contain at least two percent green tea extract.

3. Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)

cream of doctor's concoction

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is a group of natural acids derived from plants. AHA can help remove excess dead skin cells and clog pores. Clogged pores are one of the causes of acne that is familiar.

You can find AHA in many skin care products sold on the market. However, because the AHA can increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, always use sunscreen when doing outdoor activities.

3 Ways to Overcome Acne Because Hormones Naturally
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