6 Effective Ways to Eliminate Stubborn Blackheads


Medical Video: Dermatology Treatments : How to Use Blackhead Removal Tool

Blackheads are easily recognized on the skin due to dark spots that are typically irritating. The appearance is slightly protruding, but it doesn't hurt because they aren't inflamed like zits. Acne is formed when bacteria attack blockages in the hair follicles, causing redness and inflammation.

What causes blackheads?

Blackheads are a characteristic of acne, but not as a reaction from bacteria that eat dirt on the surface of the skin. This disorder occurs when your pore is clogged with excess sebum (oil produced by glands under the skin) and dead skin debris that attaches to the skin, causing the clot in the pore.

There are two types of blackheads: blackheads and whiteheads. Simply put, what distinguishes these two types of annoying spots is only whether the clogged pore is open or closed. Black comedones are formed due to clogged pores in an open state, causing oil to accumulate to oxidize after being exposed to oxygen in the air and then turning black. Meanwhile, white blackheads are a condition in which excess sebum buildup is still covered in the skin and does not penetrate out, but slightly protrudes above the surface with a characteristic white dots on the head due to pus formation.

Although the process of forming blackheads above is certain, but the reasons for excess sebum production are still unknown.

Tips for removing blackheads

There are many facial care products out there that claim to be able to remove blackheads, including effective blackheads to lift these black spots quickly in an emergency. But which one is the best?

1. A combination of salicyclic acid and glycolic acid

Many anti-acne drugs are available on the market without having to use recipes. These medicines are available in the form of creams, gels, or pads that can be applied directly to the skin.

Choose acne treatment products that contain the active compound salicyclic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and resorcinol. All three work to kill bacteria, remove excess oil, and encourage the release of dead skin more optimally. Wait for about 15 minutes after washing your face or taking a shower to use the drug, because wet skin is more susceptible to absorption and is more easily irritated.

Regular use will prevent blackheads from really forming and help cleanse the pore. In addition, you can combine your salicyclic acid face products with other products that contain glycolic acid, which is useful for breaking down the remaining layers of dead skin cells that stick to the surface. The combination of facial treatments with salicyclic and glycolic acid is very effective in controlling the formation of zits and blackheads.

2. Exfoliate with baking soda

Baking soda is an ingredient often used in microdermabrasion, a method of exfoliating dead skin, and can help minimize the formation of blackheads if used regularly.

Mix with a little water to produce a thick paste, apply it directly to the problem area, and rub it gently in a circular motion. You can use the help of a soft cloth, brush, sponge or finger. Rinse thoroughly and make sure you apply moisturizer afterwards.

Or, you can replace water with apple cider vinegar which contains astringent and antibacterial properties, and works just as well to clean the pore.

3. Clay mask

Clay face masks function for deep cleansing, which can clean clogged pores and produce smoother skin appearance. Abrasive pastes, powders and clay masks (which are equipped with kaolin) will gently exfoliate the dead skin layer and absorb the excess oil.

However, this effect is only temporary. After using a mask, the skin will again produce sebum shortly afterwards. As with microdermabrasion, facial care must be done regularly and regularly to achieve the best results.

4. Retinoids

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A, which is the best sure way to clean clogged pores and prevent the formation of blackheads.

Retinoid formulations prescribed by doctors will work most effectively, but there are several non-prescription facial care products containing retinoids that also work equally well. Retinoids work on skin receptors to improve the way the skin grows and flakes so that it will be less likely to develop pimples. The outer skin layer (epidermis) will be flattened and thickened due to the work of retinoids, while the dead skin layer will peel more efficiently.

Sometimes, it will appear clear peeling (like scaly skin) but after regular use, 3-7 times in seven days in a period of 4-6 weeks, these side effects begin to diminish and the skin will appear more radiant and clean.

4. Lemon toner

In addition to commercial toner products that contain a combination of salicyclic and glycolic acid, you can make simple natural toner ingredients from ingredients in your kitchen.

Because blackheads are caused by clogged open pores and react to oxygen, toner is a good way to shrink pore size. One of them with lemon juice. Lemon juice is a natural astringent that is effective for removing these troublesome skin problems, but you must be careful in using them. Lemon juice also has whitening properties that can brighten the skin temporarily and make the skin sensitive to light, so immediately apply an SPF moisturizer or sunscreen / sunblock before you leave the house. If your skin is sexually sensitive, you can dilute the lemon juice with a little water.

Simply dip the cotton into your lemon toner and pat the problem area 3-4 times a week, before bedtime; dry and clean skin condition. In the morning, rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply sunscreen and moisturizer.

5. Apple vinegar toner

Combine apple vinegar and some crushed mint leaves. Apple cider vinegar can help break down oil buildup in the pore, while mint leaves create a cold sensation and tighten your skin.

If the area around the blackheads becomes swollen or irritated due to one thing or another, the active menthol compound in mint leaves can help relieve the inflammation. Inflammation can make the pore blockage more difficult to remove.

6. Consultation with a doctor

If after using natural methods, but blackheads are still stubborn, this professional technique can really help you get rid of annoying skin problems. A dermatologist can provide you with a microdermabrasion chemical peel procedure and removal of blackheads known to be effective in improving the texture and appearance of the skin.

To remove blackheads, the doctor will use a special sterile device to make small slices above the pore blockage. After punching the plug, it will put pressure on the extractor to lift the contents that clog the pore.

During microdermabrasion, the doctor uses a tool that has a rough side to brush the top surface of your facial skin in order to eliminate blockages that cause blackheads. Chemical peel also functions to lift blockages and break down dead skin layers that cause blackheads. During peeling, the doctor will apply a hard chemical solution to the surface of the coolie. Over time, the top layer of skin will peel off, and pave the way for new layers of skin.

Whatever method you choose, one thing is certain: excessive washing your face is not a good way to get rid of stubborn blackheads. This habit will only make blackheads worse because you will only create super dry skin conditions, which will automatically send signals to the oil glands to produce more sebum in an effort to moisturize the skin. Similarly, squeeze blackheads with your finger, which will only give you pain and inflammation due to infection.


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6 Effective Ways to Eliminate Stubborn Blackheads
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