9 Natural Ways to Extend Eyelashes To Be More Supple


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If you are still hesitant to follow the trend of lengthening eyelashes through eyelash extensions, you can still have thick, flexible eyelashes in a safe and cheap way— without even having to leave home. Do you want to know how?

Various natural ways to lengthen lashes

1. Eyelash comb

If you have never combed your lashes before, this is a good time to start. Combing lashes will clean stubborn dust and dirt and stimulate blood circulation to the hair roots to support eyelash growth.

Comb your lashes twice a day with a special eyelash brush or clean mascara brush, and this can really help make your eyelashes grow longer, softer and thicker.

2. Vitamin E

The benefits of vitamin E are very well known for disguising dull stains on the face, but it turns out that this vitamin can also help thicken and lengthen lashes. This is because vitamin E oil works to strengthen hair roots to prevent the eyelashes from falling out quickly.

You can simply open a few capsules of vitamin E and you can immediately apply it to your lashes by hand or a cotton bud. Or, apply vitamin E to the clean brush mascara and use your strong eyelash comb. Do it twice every day.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil contains vitamins A and E that are beneficial for the health of the hair, including also lengthening the lashes. Olive oil absorbs deep into the roots of the hair and the pores of the skin of the petals to stimulate the growth of the lashes and become a shield to protect the strength of the hair shaft lashes.

Apply a few drops of olive oil directly at the base of the lashes every night to encourage the growth of lashes that are more pliant and thick, or drip olive oil into a cotton ball or cotton bud and pat gently on your lashes. Leave for five minutes (or can overnight) and rinse with warm water. Do this every night for four weeks or until you get the desired results. Normally, the results will start to appear clearly after 1-2 months of routine use.

4. Natural oil

If you don't have olive oil at home, you can treat and lengthen lashes with a variety of alternative natural oils: coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil, sesame oil, rosehip oil, and argan oil.

Just soak a cotton ball or cotton bud in a few drops of your choice of oil (or it can be combined) and rub it gently on your lashes every night before going to bed. Rinse thoroughly in the morning with warm water. Natural oils act as a healthy moisturizer, increase growth, and maintain the strength of your lashes.

4. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly works similar to natural oil. Rub a little jelly on your lashes every night before going to bed and rinse with warm water in the morning. You can rinse it after 15 minutes if you want. Or, you can apply jelly to the eyelash brush and comb it using it. Do this routine every night and you may be able to see the difference in just a few weeks.

5. Green tea

Brew green tea and let it cool. Then you can rub green tea directly on your lashes with the help of a cotton ball or cotton bud. The content of caffeine and flavonoids found in green tea can accelerate the growth rate of existing eyelashes while encouraging new eyelash growth.

6. Aloe vera

If you want to maintain health while lengthening your lashes, simply apply a little aloe gel directly to the base of your lashes before going to bed with the help of a mascara brush. Thanks to the strong content of vitamins and nutrients, aloe vera can increase the growth rate of the lashes and also strengthen them.

7. Remove your eye makeup until it is completely clean

Always erase all your eye makeup every night (or better, as soon as you arrive at home), especially your eyelash area to give them a chance to rest and "breathe". The longer your eyelashes are free of makeup, the better the growth.

You can use any type of makeup remover to clean the rest of your makeup. Avoid pulling or rubbing the eye area tightly when cleaning makeup to protect your lashes and sensitive skin around the eyes.

8. Avoid using eyelash curlers or fake eyelashes

Flexing the lashes in both lightning ways can frustrate all your hard work to lengthen the lashes because it causes damage. When you clamp your lashes or remove false eyelashes, you may come to pull out some of your original lashes, so the best solution is to avoid using both at all, or use them only when absolutely necessary until you get the desired results by lengthening lashes through natural means.

9. Pick food

Eating healthy and balanced foods is an important tip that is often forgotten to make your eyelashes grow longer, thicker and stronger. Just like your head's hair, eyelashes also need a supply of vitamins and minerals to grow healthy. So make sure to always eat lots of foods that are rich in protein and vitamins to help speed up the growth rate of hair lashes.

Foods that are good for helping you lengthen lashes include the family of oranges, avocados, green leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, soybeans, and yogurt.

9 Natural Ways to Extend Eyelashes To Be More Supple
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