Benefits of Water for Skin Beauty


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Did you know that 64% of our skin consists of water? The skin needs water to maintain moisture. However, until now studies that examine water as one of the skin treatments are still small, making it difficult to obtain data on the effect of water for the skin. In fact, in fact water has various benefits for our health.

A dermatology clinic only found one study that examined the effects of long-term water intake on skin health. The study, published in 2007 in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, found that drinking 2.25 liters (9.5 cups) of water every day for four weeks can change the density and thickness of the skin, but the results are contradictory. Then, sa study by the University of Missouri-Columbia showed that drinking 500 ml of water can increase blood circulation to the skin.

What are the benefits of water for the skin?

Rachel Nazarian M.D., a dermatologist from the Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York also explained that without adequate water intake, our skin will look dull, wrinkled, and the pores will also stand out. Julius Few, M.D., director of The Few Institute and lecturer in plastic surgery clinics at the University of Chicago explained that various skin structures that support collagen require water to work effectively. When the skin is hydrated, dense, and elastic, it tends to reduce the entry of external particles that can cause irritation and blemishes.

Nazrian also said that he found that his dehydrated patients had more severe acne. We know that small changes in diet can affect the type of oil and sebum on your skin and can be associated with increased appearance of acne. Dehydration can work in the same way to trigger changes in the oil glands in the skin.

Water can also fend off pimples by reducing the concentration of oil on the skin. It is important to have a stable balance between water and oil on the surface of the skin. If the skin has too much oil compared to water, this can make clogged pores with blemishes and zits.

Even though drinking water that has a lot of positive effects on your skin does not mean that your skin will remain in the same condition for years to come. Nazrian said that although clinically hydrated skin can minimize signs of aging, at histopathological levels (when examined under a microscope) wrinkles are still visible, so there is no permanent change in the skin. What is clear, if you reduce water intake, the signs of aging will be increasingly visible.

For more details, below are the benefits of water on the skin:

  1. Water is important to maintain skin moisture optimally and provide essential nutrients for skin cells. Water complements the needs of skin tissue and increases skin elasticity. This helps delay the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.
  2. Water is the right substitute for all treatments anti-aging. Water can keep skin hydrated and shiny so that it can enhance skin tone. For smooth and elastic skin, drinking adequate amounts of water is more important than using topical cream.
  3. Drinking enough water can fight skin disorders like psoriasis, wrinkles, and eczema. Water can also increase metabolic rate and facilitate the digestive system to remove toxins in the body. This will make you have healthy and glowing skin.

This has been proven by a 42-year-old woman named Sarah Smith on At first he only drank water at lunch and dinner. But after he felt many complications on his body such as dizziness and poor digestion, he began drinking 3 liters of water per day. In addition to treating dizziness and improving digestion, water turns out to make Sarah's skin change.

After four weeks consuming 3 liters of water per day, wrinkles on his face fade, dark circles around the eyes disappear because water can help the skin renew its cells.

The level of dehydration in our body can also be seen from skin turgor (skin elasticity). When a person who is dehydrated pulls his skin and releases it again, his skin will return to its original state for longer than someone who has enough fluid in his body.


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Benefits of Water for Skin Beauty
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