Do you want to have long hair? Check out 9 Natural Ways to Extend Hair


Medical Video: How To GROW HAIR Long, Thick & Healthy FAST! (4 easy steps)

Hair is a woman's crown. That's why having healthy hair is the dream of all women. Although now short hair is a trend, there are still many women who think that long and thick hair can enhance their appearance. Unfortunately, lengthening your hair is not as fast as lengthening your nails. Because, in a month the hair only grows on average about 2 cm.

But calm down, you can still have long hair without the need for expensive treatments at the salon, how come! Curious? Read on to find out the answer.

How to lengthen hair

Here are some simple ways to lengthen hair that you can try at home.

1. Cut hair

Many say that often cut hair will stimulate hair growth and make hair thick. In fact, this is not entirely true. Because the haircut does not make your hair grow quickly. Cut your hair so that your hair stays healthy so that you avoid damage to your hair, such as easily broken and branched hair. You just cut the ends of the hair regularly. So, you don't need to cut your hair short.

2. Don't shampoo every day

Want long, fast hair? Don't shampoo every day! Daily shampooing removes natural oils produced from hair. Well, if this natural oil is gone, the hair will dry out and not grow properly. To help hair growth for long, wash it at least once every 2-3 days.

In addition, after shampooing, flush your hair with cold water. Because, cold water is able to soften the hair cuticle and prevent dryness and hair damage that often occurs because of using a hair heater.

3. Use conditioner every shampoo

Use a conditioner at least once a week to replace proteins and lipids that gradually drop from your hair shaft. In addition, the conditioner also helps close the cuticle to prevent more damage. Use conditioner only at the ends of the hair, do not use conditioner on the scalp because it can cause hair to fall out easily

4. Use essential oils for hair

Proper nutrition is not only important for the health of the body, but also important for the hair. Well, one way to grow hair naturally is to apply essential oils to the scalp. Not only strengthens the hair roots, but also helps strong and healthy hair growth.

5. Dry your hair naturally

Use it hairdryer it is very practical and efficient, but if your hair gets too often hot air from hairdryer, the risk is that your hair will dry, break and fall off easily. You certainly don't want to be like that, right? So, to keep your hair healthy, dry your hair in a natural way.

The trick, just air in the free air or use a fan. However, if you are in an urgent situation, you can use it hairdryer in a distance that is not too close to the temperature that is not too hot. The reason is,hairdryer which is too hot and too close is also not good for the health of the scalp.

6. Don't comb your hair while it's still wet

Keep the hair when the hair is dry, do not get wet. Wet hair tends to be weaker and more easily damaged than when the hair is dry.

Comb your hair twice a day, especially before going to bed. Choose a toothed comb or a soft brush to prevent hair loss. You can also use your fingers to gently break your hair. So, make sure you don't pull the hair too tight so it doesn't cause physical damage to the hair and scalp.

7. Noting food nutrition

In addition to some of the habits mentioned above, paying attention to nutritional intake of food is also one way to lengthen hair. Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin A and B vitamins from nuts and vegetables to stimulate hair growth directly from the roots.

8. Use an egg white mask

The natural way to lengthen the next hair is to use egg white. Egg white contains nutrients to accelerate hair growth.

The method is quite easy, you only need to provide three eggs taken just the white part and one tablespoon of olive oil. Then shake the egg and olive oil evenly. After that, apply thoroughly to the hair and scalp while gently massaging your scalp. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Let the nutrients from the egg be absorbed perfectly by the hair so that the hair is stronger and healthier. After that rinse thoroughly.

9. Avoid wrapping wet hair using a towel

Many people after shampooing will wrap their hair in a towel and twist it up. But, do you know if this habit can actually trigger hair damage?

Drying your hair by wrapping it in a towel can make your hair tangle and damage your hair shaft. This habit is dangerous especially for those who have dry and unruly hair. That's why, from now on stop to do this habit to stimulate healthy and strong hair growth.

Do you want to have long hair? Check out 9 Natural Ways to Extend Hair
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