10 Tips for Doing Fast Sex When There Is No Time


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Have you ever had sex fast? Hmm, how do you feel? We all know that satisfying sex is what involves warming up, it can be a kiss, massage, pampering touches, or certain games. However, when our time is limited, short sex is also a challenging choice. Sometimes fast sex is also done when one partner can't wait. But can fast sex make you and your partner feel connected? Then how do you do it so that it's as meaningful as ordinary love.

How to do fast sex?

Based on a survey of Canadian and American sex therapists, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, fast sex or quickie does not involve heating (foreplay), usually takes about 3 to 13 minutes. Maybe in romantic novels, the old sex scene feels very sensual, but often in real life, marathon sex that lasts too long makes one partner wonder when it will end, or they become bored. Fast sex will be a challenge because you don't need to feel pressured to have the best sex. But all you have to do is chase with time, for that there are some tricks you can try, such as:

1. Do lots of kisses

Quickie does not really require heating, but that does not mean you have to miss a kiss. According to Patti Britton, PhD, a sex coach in Los Angeles, quoted by the Health website, passion can emerge quickly by kissing. In addition, kissing also stimulates the nervous system and endocrine system - producing stimulating hormones. Don't skip a short warm-up, because this also makes the relationship feel more intimate.

2. Keep wearing your clothes

This is one of the short sex tricks that you can try, why are you wasting your time undressing? According to Joel Block, PhD, psychologist and relationship consultant for CanDoBetter.com, quoted by the Health site, the clothes that you both wear will add to the passionate passion. This will give rise to a sense of desperation to have each other.

3. Changing places

To increase enthusiasm, don't do it in one place. You can do it in different places. For example, you can do it in the bathroom, then move to the kitchen, then move to the bed. Still according to Block, sex is getting hotter when there is a risk of fear of being found out. Even though there are no people at all around you, do it in an unusual place where people might suddenly come or pass, so the tense sensation will be felt even more. Also make sure the place does not invite danger.

4. Do what is in fantasy

Still according to Britton, quoted by Health website, "Fantasy can spur psychological sexual response because your body will indirectly imitate what is thought by the brain." In addition, the fantasy can also make you free from distraction. Even though you are in your own room, just imagine as if you were on an exotic vacation on the island with a romantic atmosphere. You know very well what to do next.

5. Narrating the heat action

Another way for you and the other person to focus on each other is to keep communicating during the hot action, no matter it's just sweet talk, or 'seductive' chat. Still according to Block, communication during the action proves that you and your partner still have a spark of love. Just say what you want to do or say, make the narrative as good as your actions. But avoid talking too long, this will make the situation awkward. Easy is not one way to get to fast sex?

6. Send sensual signals

You can start warming up with a tempting message, tell your partner that you really want to 'play'. According to Allison, PhD, author of the book The Mystery of the Undercover Clitoris, quoted by the Women 's Health website, let your partner know what is on your mind by sending tempting messages, emails or photos to the couple. When you and your partner meet, passion is already on. You can immediately do sex quickly.

7. Organize the place you plan to have sex

You may not have the time, but there is no harm in arranging the place, such as giving fragrances to the room, setting music that can generate a 'spirit' partner, maybe you want to put lotion around the 'place of action' so you don't have to look around. You can also attach a mirror in the bathroom, if previously there was no mirror there. When having sex and looking in the mirror can make the atmosphere hotter.

8. Consider sex without intercourse

If you are a woman aged 40 years and over, maybe intercourse will be painful. You need additional lubrication. But in addition there are other ways to make short love, without vaginal erections, such as oral sex, handjobs, or other maneuvers. Of course, sex will not take a long time.

9. Use a vibrator

Sometimes fast sex scenes can make it difficult for a woman to get an orgasm. Vibrators can be an alternative. The vibrations produced by the vibrator can also stimulate men. Make sure you maintain the cleanliness of the vibrator and buy it from a trusted place.

10. Pay attention to your position

According to Monica Lieser, a marriage therapist and family who already have a license and book co-authors 14 Days of Foreplay, quoted by the Men’s Health website, men can have sex quickly with standing sex positions, of course it is also good for women, because you will have access to kiss it. Also listen to what women want. You can also smell the scent of his body, such as his back, his face, and his chest / breasts. Lieser believes the reason for getting fast sex is intense passion.


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10 Tips for Doing Fast Sex When There Is No Time
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