Facts about Blackheads: Causes, How to Get Rid of, and Differences from Acne


Medical Video: Acne | Nucleus Health

Is your face full of blackheads? Usually, blackheads appear on the nose. Not surprisingly, many special blackheads removal products to remove blackheads on the nose. However, it turns out blackheads can appear anywhere on the face, not just on the nose. However, what exactly is blackheads? What causes blackheads?

1. Where do blackheads actually appear, anyway?

Blackheads usually appear on the face with the characteristics of small dark spots. It may look like a pimple, but blackheads are lighter and darker. This dark color is formed from the pigment melanin (which is produced by skin cells) which has been exposed to exposure to air or sunlight so that it undergoes an oxidation process.

Blackheads most often appear on the nose, chin, around the lips, and around the ears. In addition to the face, blackheads can also appear on the back, neck, arms, shoulders, and even the chest. This is because there are many hair follicles in the area. Hair grows from hair follicles located in the pores. Well, there are special glands that produce sebum or the natural oil of the skin underneath.

When these pores are blocked by sebum and dead skin cells, dead skin cells in the pores can react with oxygen and turn black. However, if the skin around the blocked pores closes, the dead skin cells do not react with oxygen and will turn white. Both are called blackheads.

2. What are the causes of blackheads?

Common causes of blackheads are dirt that is trapped in the pores of the skin. This might happen if you are among those who rarely clean their face, especially after you use it makeup.

Actually there are two factors that can increase the risk of facial blackheads, namely age and hormonal changes. Blackheads often appear at puberty, where increased hormones at this time can trigger the production of oil under the skin.

Androgen hormone production which increases at puberty (both in men and in women) triggers more oil or sebum production and dead skin cells. However, hormonal changes don't only occur at puberty, but also during menstruation, pregnancy, and when using birth control pills.

Some other factors that can cause blackheads are:

  • The use of cosmetics that can cover the pores of the skin
  • Sweating a lot
  • Shaving, which can make hair follicles open
  • Stress or other conditions related to hormonal changes, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and PCOS
  • Use of steroid drugs, such as corticosteroids

3. What is the difference between blackheads and zits?

Sometimes, you may not be able to distinguish between blackheads and zits. In fact, both are different things and need different handling.

Acne is usually white due to pus or red when inflamed, while blackheads can be black or white. The red color on these zits can arise because of inflammation of the skin. While comedones do not occur due to inflammation, but because of the oxidation process.

Judging from the size, usually blackheads are smaller, sometimes you may not even realize that you have blackheads. Meanwhile, acne can have a large enough size.

4. How to eliminate it?

Cleansing your face diligently can be the best way to prevent blackheads. You can actually lift blackheads by squeezing the skin around the blackheads to get out. However, this can aggravate the condition, for example it can cause inflammation which previously did not exist. Another way you can do is do a facial or use a pore strip.

If blackheads are still stubborn, you may need to see a dermatologist. Dermatologists can recommend drugs that help clear blackheads according to your skin type.

5. What if blackheads are left?

Leftover blackheads can develop into severe acne. Blockages in the pores of the skin make oil continue to accumulate under the skin. Plus, a dirty, oily face and the habit of holding your face make it easy for germs to stick to the skin.

This then makes the clogged skin pores become irritated and enlarged. Over time, the pores of the skin will break, white blood cells enter, and the pores will become red and swollen. Finally, acne is formed.

Facts about Blackheads: Causes, How to Get Rid of, and Differences from Acne
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