What should I know about caring for a 21-month-old child?


Medical Video: Child Development: Your Baby at 18 Months

Development & Behavior

How should my child develop on the 21st month?

Your child is currently 21 months old. Your child may be very active and know how to run. They might even try to walk back or up stairs. This is great! It forms muscles, eye-hand coordination and balance. If you see your child sitting quietly, don't worry too much. Sometimes your child needs time to see and understand the environment. Most children will spend about 20% a day sitting quietly. Tell your doctor if your child is not active at all.

Your child may be able to stack blocks to build towers or scribble paper and even walls. This shows the development of motor skills.

How can I help my child develop on the 21st month?

The best way to support your child is by freeing him to run and fall. As a mother, it's hard to let it go. You never want to see your child hurt. But the more often he falls, the more often he will rise again. This is the best way your child learns and develops.

Your child will want to draw or scribble. You must support it by giving blank paper with crayons. If you choose a marker, make sure it can be washed. You can help your child be creative.

Health & Safety

What should I discuss with the doctor on the 21st month?

If your toddler sleeps snoring, or breathes from the mouth, tell your doctor. If your child has trouble sleeping because the tonsils or throat are swollen, the doctor will recommend being appointed. Tonsil removal is a simple solution to your child's sleep problems.

What should I know on month 21?

The safest and most effective way to give medicine when your child does not like the taste, shape, or smell is:

  • Add a spoonful of sugar or juice to the medicine
  • Mix the medicine in a glass of milk or juice
  • Mix the medicine in small yogurt or apple sauce
  • Pretend that the medicine is candy
  • Use oral spray or drug droplets
  • Ask other doctors for medication

If your child still refuses to take medication for taste, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. You can also ask your doctor to give a tablet that can be crushed or mixed with yogurt with other sweet foods.

My attention

What should I pay attention on month 21?

What you might have to worry about is night terror. Night terror is different from nightmares. During night terror, your child's eyes may open, and he will walk around, usually accompanied by raging, crying, and shouting. Night terror is rare, but it is scary when your child experiences it. Generally you cannot wake or calm him easily, which makes you helpless. And your child is like waking up, but it really isn't.

Do not worry. Even so, night terror is not dangerous. Soothe your little one during a night terror attack. Even so don't force physical contact or try to hold it back. Stay close, calm, and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He will sleep well again soon.

How will your child grow next month?

What should I know about caring for a 21-month-old child?
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