Pregnancy Development on Week 31


Medical Video: 31 Weeks Pregnant - 31 Weeks pregnant Symptoms - Pregnancy Week by Week

Embryo growth

How is the development of the fetus 31 weeks of pregnancy?

Entering fetal development 31 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is now the size of a coconut, weighing around 1.5 kg and about 40 cm long from head to heel.

In these times your baby will urinate about 250 ml of urine a day into the amniotic fluid. He also swallowed amniotic fluid, which was completely replaced several times a day. Excess amniotic fluid may mean that the baby does not swallow normally or that there is a digestive disorder. The presence of inadequate fluid in the amniotic sac may mean the baby is not urinating properly and can show problems with the kidneys or urinary tract.

Your doctor will measure your amniotic fluid level as part of routine ultrasound.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of a pregnant woman on week 31?

Many women feel the tightening of the uterine muscles, called fake Braxton Hicks contractions, in the second half of pregnancy. This condition often lasts about 30 seconds, is irregular, and at this time it is usually rare and not painful. On the other hand, if contractions occur too often, even if they don't hurt, this may be a sign of preterm labor.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience more than four contractions in one hour or other signs of premature labor such as: increased vaginal fluid or changes in the type of fluid that comes out of the vagina (if it becomes runny, like mucus, or bleeding, even if it's red young); abdominal pain such as cramps during menstruation; increased pressure in the pelvic area; or lower back pain, especially if you haven't experienced it before.

The mammary gland in your breast may have started making colostrum now. Colostrum is a pre-milk liquid that provides your baby with calories and nutrients for the first few days before your milk is produced, if you plan to breastfeed. For some women, colostrum is usually runny and runny. For others, colostrum is thicker and yellowish.

If you see your breasts have leaked colostrum, you can buy breast pads that can be used to protect your clothes.

Maintain a pregnancy that runs 31 weeks

To meet your pregnancy needs, your body will produce more blood than usual and your heart pumps blood faster. Unfortunately, changes in the circulatory system to support this fetal development can cause some side effects and discomfort.

When your blood vessels are bigger and contain an increase in blood, it will stand out and you can see green or red blood vessels under the skin, especially on the feet and ankles.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 31?

In the third trimester, you have one more bladder problem: urine leak due to pressure on the stomach. This makes your bladder uncontrollable and you will urinate when coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, or even laughing.

To make sure that the urine comes out and not the amniotic fluid, you have to smell it. Immediately notify your doctor if your liquid does not smell like urine, but is sweet like amniotic fluid.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 31 Sunday

This week may be the last time to undergo a monthly test. In the future, you may have to visit your doctor every 2 weeks or even every week until birth.

On this month's test, you will be tested for blood pressure and weight and asked about the signs and symptoms you might have. The doctor also asks you to describe your baby's movements and schedule of activities: when your baby is moving and when he is not. You will be examined for the size of the uterus as before.

Pregnancy Development on Week 31
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