Pregnancy Development on Week 34


Medical Video: 34 Weeks Pregnant - 34 weeks pregnant symptoms - Pregnancy week by week

Embryo growth

How is the development of the fetus 34 weeks pregnant?

As long as the fetus develops 34 weeks of gestation, the size of your baby is about the size of a melon weighing 2.15 kg and a length of about 46 cm from head to heel. Until now, most babies are ready to be born and the doctor will tell you the position of the baby's birth, whether head or foot first.

Maternal calcium intake is very important during pregnancy because the baby will take calcium from the mother to make and harden the bones. If a pregnant woman does not get enough calcium, it can affect her own bones because the development of the fetus will take as much mineral from the maternal skeletal structure as needed.

Vernix coating or fat on baby's skin gets thicker, where fine hair is almost completely gone.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of a pregnant woman at week 34?

This week, fatigue may arise again, although it may not be as intense as during pregnancy in the first 3 months. Your exhaustion is completely understandable, considering your physical tension and restless nights because you often urinate and turn around when trying to sleep comfortably.

Now is the time for you to calm down and gather energy for labor day. After sitting or lying down for a long time, don't wake up too fast. Blood can clot on your feet, causing a decrease in blood pressure and make you feel dizzy when standing.

If you notice any itchy bumps or red spots on your stomach, thighs or buttocks, you may experience it pruritic urticarial papules or plaques of pregnancy.

More than 1% of pregnant women experience pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, which is harmless but sufficient to cause discomfort. See your doctor to make sure this isn't a serious problem, then direct you to a dermatologist if needed. Even if there is no rash, don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you feel itching all over the body. This can be a sign of a liver problem.

Maintain a pregnancy that runs 34 weeks

More than 85% of women have mucus plug intact mucus stoppers at birth. However, even if you include 15% of women who lose mucus plugbefore giving birth, amniotic fluid will not leak. Unless you lie down, the amniotic fluid will not flow out because your baby's head acts like a clog and will stop the uterus opening so that the amniotic fluid will remain inside.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 34?

Discuss each need for labor during the next meeting. Pay attention to all important information because you will definitely forget the instructions when you are having a contraction.

Find out the fastest route to the place of birth, the distance to it at different times each day, and transportation if you do not have anyone to take you.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 34 Sunday

This month you will spend a lot of time at the doctor's office than before. The doctor will estimate the size of the baby and predict the time of birth. Doctors can also provide tests according to your needs, such as:

  • Weight (at this time the weight will stop increasing, or even decrease)
  • Blood pressure (maybe higher than the 6th month)
  • Scanning urine to check sugar and protein levels
  • Varicose legs, swelling of the hands and feet
  • Check the size of the uterus like how thin and whether it has begun to widen
  • Fundal height (upper part of uterus)
  • Fetal heart rate test
  • Fetal size, direction of birth (head or foot first), position (face down or face up)

Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the doctor, especially regarding labor and birth, including the frequency of contractions Braxton Hicksand other symptoms, especially abnormal symptoms.

Pregnancy Development on Week 34
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