Are You Experiencing These Signs? Maybe You Are Young Pregnant


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Have you been late for the month? When this happens, maybe you will think you are pregnant. Late menstruation can be a feature of pregnancy that you often realize. But, sometimes you forget how long you have been late for the month. This might be difficult. Other pregnancy characteristics, namely nausea and vomiting in the morning. However, there are still many other features of pregnancy that you didn't expect before.

What can unexpectedly be a feature of pregnancy?

Apparently, the characteristics of pregnancy are not just nausea, vomiting, and late coming months, as you often know so far. Other pregnancy features you may experience, but you don't realize it. The following are characteristics of pregnancy that you might not expect:

1. Frequent urination

Maybe you are not aware of this. But, frequent urination can be a feature of pregnancy for many women. Frequent urination can begin around the sixth or eighth week after you have sex or after conception. This might be due to the influence of pregnancy hormones. When you are pregnant, your bladder is also more sensitive, making it harder for you to hold your pee. Movements, such as sneezing, coughing, or laughing may make you release urine unconsciously.

2. Constipation

When you are pregnant, there are various hormonal changes in your body. One of them is a change in the higher progesterone hormone. The impact, you can experience constipation. High levels of the hormone progesterone can cause food to move more slowly in your intestine, so your stool is more difficult to remove.

3. Mood swing

The characteristics of pregnancy also involve your mood. Changes in certain hormones in the body can indeed affect your mood. Hormones in the body that increase when you are pregnant can cause you to become restless and irritable. Sometimes, you may be cheerful and happy, but before long you can turn into irritability and sadness. Mood changes during pregnancy are more common when you are pregnant for the first time.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue can appear shortly after you get pregnant or after one week you are pregnant. This is normal for everyone. Fatigue is caused by various factors, such as high levels of the hormone progesterone, low blood sugar levels, decreased blood pressure, and an urge to produce more blood in the body. When you are exhausted, you often experience dizziness and feeling faint.

5. Stomach problems

You may feel a stomach crumbling, flatulence, a full stomach (full) and stomach cramps, but most of you do not realize that this is a feature of pregnancy. This problem may not only occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, but can also occur until the next few months. This can occur because of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Another reason is that there is an implantation of a fertilized egg in your uterine wall, so that your stomach feels cramped.

Are You Experiencing These Signs? Maybe You Are Young Pregnant
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