Record it carefully! This is a list of services for pregnant women borne by BPJS Kesehatan


The presence of BPJS is a breath of fresh air for all Indonesian people. With this program, you can get health services more easily, cheaply (even free), and structured. Not only is it beneficial for people who are sick, you who are pregnant can also benefit from BPJS, you know. Come on, find out all the benefits of BPJS for pregnant women through the following reviews.

What are the benefits of BPJS for pregnant women?

Health Insurance

Pregnant women who are registered as BPJS will be guaranteed their health from the beginning of pregnancy, childbirth, to the postpartum period. It does not stop there, BPJS also provides family planning services (KB), including counseling, giving drugs, and installing contraceptives.

The various benefits of BPJS for pregnant women are:

1. Services during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum

Examination during pregnancy, childbirth, until postpartum is very important to maintain the health of the mother and baby. With the existence of BPJS services for this pregnant mother, the risk of infant mortality and maternal mortality during and after childbirth can be prevented as early as possible

BPJS Health covers the cost of pregnancy checks orantenatal care(ANC) three times, namely once in the first trimester, once in the second trimester, and twice in the third trimester. In addition, you are also entitled to a postpartum examination (postnatal care / PNC) three times, and family planning services.

So that your fetus's health is guaranteed, you should immediately register a baby in your womb to become a BPJS Health participant. This aims to anticipate health problems or special treatment for babies from the womb.

2. USG services

Ultrasound is one of the important medical procedures to monitor fetal development in the womb. Well, you can get this one service if you are registered as a BPJS member.

Even so, not all USGs will be funded by BPJS. The ultrasound service borne by the BPJS is only an ultrasound recommended by midwives or doctors. This will certainly be given if the fetus has certain developmental problems or abnormalities during pregnancy.

So, if you want to do an ultrasound because of your own wishes, then this will not be funded by BPJS or it must be paid for yourself.

3. Delivery services

Childbirth is one of the most important services provided by BPJS for pregnant women. Delivery of pregnant women can be done at the health center or clinic that is the same as the place where you have a pregnancy. But if it's not possible, you can give birth in the hospital after getting a referral from a midwife or doctor.

The good news is that BPJS will not only bear your birth at this time. However, your next deliveries will also be borne by the BPJS. Most importantly, make sure you always pay contributions on time and comply with the obligations as a BPJS participant.

4. Caesarean section services

Other good news, caesarean section including one of the services borne by BPJS. Even so, not all caesarean sections will be funded by BPJS, you know. Yes, this depends on the reason for the caesarean section itself.

Caesarean section will be funded by BPJS if you get a referral from a doctor. This is usually done in pregnant women who are at high risk, for example bleeding, preeclampsia, placenta previa, or other emergency conditions. If so, a caesarean section may be performed to prevent possible disability or death in the mother and fetus.

Procedure for delivery services with BPJS Kesehatan

birthing position

All costs of service to pregnant women will be funded by BPJS Kesehatan, with notes on medical procedures and indications. That is why, you need to understand the procedures for using BPJS for pregnant women so that their health services can run smoothly and without obstacles.

The steps to using BPJS for pregnant women are as follows:

1. Visit the nearest health center

When you want to check your pregnancy, the first step you have to do is come to the nearest health center. This pregnancy examination can only be done by a midwife or general practitioner at FASKES 1 (Level 1 Health Facility). Usually, your FASKES 1 has been printed on your personal BPJS card.

However, if you need certain medical examinations or actions that the Puskesmas cannot handle, then you can go directly to the hospital in collaboration with the BPJS. However, make sure you have a referral letter from the midwife or doctor first. Because if not, you will be considered checking your pregnancy at your own expense alias without using BPJS.

2. Towards labor

If the condition of your pregnancy is fine and there are no abnormalities, then your labor will be handled by the Puskesmas or FASKES 1 which provides maternity services. Usually, your place of labor will be the same as the place where you have a pregnancy.

However, if there are certain abnormalities in pregnancy and tend to be high risk, then you will immediately be referred to the hospital. These disorders can be in the form of a breech baby's position, placenta or placenta that covers the birth canal (placenta previa), or baby's weight above 4.5 kilograms.

BPJS will cover all costs of labor in the hospital, both normal labor and caesarean section.

3. Postpartum period

After giving birth, you can still use BPJS services for pregnant women. The service is namedpostnatal care(PNC), which is a health examination after childbirth or the puerperium.

PNC services borne by BPJS are carried out three times, namely:

  • PNC 1: done in the first seven days after giving birth
  • PNC 2: performed on the 8th to 28th day after giving birth
  • PNC 3: performed on the 29th day to 42nd day after giving birth

4. Family planning services

The benefits of BPJS for pregnant women do not just stop after you give birth, but continue until the choice of contraception. The goal is to regulate the distance of child birth so that the condition of the mother and baby remain healthy and optimal before deciding to have another child.

After your condition is stable after giving birth, you can take advantage of family planning services at the KB FASKES. There you will be given counseling around family planning programs and information about contraception. Don't hesitate to ask what type of contraception suits your needs and health conditions.

Record it carefully! This is a list of services for pregnant women borne by BPJS Kesehatan
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