4 Reasons Why The Sports You Do Don't Visit Produce


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If you are currently on a strict diet, then you must have tried to change your diet and exercise regularly. However, your weight does not go down even though you have done both things. this could be because the exercise that was done did not work. The following are signs of unsuccessful exercise even though you feel you've done it very hard.

Various reasons why sports don't work

Sports can indeed make your body healthy and can help you to lose weight. But, if it's not done right, the exercise habits you do are futile and don't produce anything. Maybe you don't realize that you have done things that have made sports unsuccessful so far. Then what are the signs?

1. Every time you exercise, you are always injured

If every exercise you are always injured or pain arises in the body chart, especially your movements, then you should stop doing it. This indicates that you are too hard at exercising, so instead of giving good results it causes pain. Or it could be because you are exercising continuously without being accompanied by sufficient recovery time.

2. You only do cardio

Cardio exercise can indeed be relied upon to lose weight. However, this type of exercise might make you feel tired faster. This can make you become bored and eventually you don't do the exercise maximally. Therefore, you should combine cardio with other types of exercise. For example, today you do jogging then the next day you can try yoga.

3. Sports increasingly feels easy to do

If you feel the exercise you are doing is easier and doesn't feel as heavy or tired as the first time you do it, then it's a sign that you have to improve your training and increase the duration of your exercise. Your body has adapted to the exercise you normally do. This adaptation can make the body not optimal in burning calories - because it is used. It's better if you increase the duration and difficulty level of physical exercise that you do. But remember, there must be time to rest for your body.

4. Forcing yourself to exercise even though you are still sleepy

It feels fresh if you do exercise in the morning. however, don't force yourself if you are still sleepy. Let your body rest comfortably first, then do exercise. Because, the quality and duration of sleep also affect the exercise you do. As in a study from Northwestern University which states that good sleep can make the quality of exercise better. So, you should sleep 20-30 minutes earlier at night so you can wake up early, instead of sacrificing your sleep.

4 Reasons Why The Sports You Do Don't Visit Produce
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