This Diet Can Help Reduce Mushrooms. Want to try?


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Candida is a type of yeast yeast that is actually already present in the human body, most often in the intestine. However, if the excess amount of this fungus will cause its own health problems. This fungal infection is called candidiasis.

Candidiasis most often affects the mouth, ears, nose, toenails, finger nails, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of ​​infection. You may have red or white skin parts that cause itching and irritation. Other signs include difficulty swallowing or pain.

What causes a person to get candida?

Anthony Salzarulo as one of the health practitioners in New York, quoted from Health, said that the body actually has a natural yeast balance that works well for health. However, as mentioned above, excessive growth of yeast can be harmful to the body.

The causes of proliferating candida are caused by excessive use of antibiotics. Antibiotics basically can kill some good bacteria and disrupt the balance between bad and good bacteria.

Cynthia Sass, RD, of Health also says that a weak immune system and poor food intake, especially high sugar intake, can also cause candida to overgrow your body. Therefore, there is a candida diet whose function is to control and normalize microbiome bacteria in the intestine.

How is the diet candida done?

Salzarulo believes that excessive candida growth in the stomach is often caused by excessive sugar, wheat and dairy products. Therefore you should avoid some foods made from these ingredients in order to restore the balance of yeast in your body.

Salzarulo recommends focusing on what is allowed on a candida diet, not on the limits of how much to eat.

Foods that should be shunned on candida diets

1. Sugar and sweet fruits

Any food that contains sugar can aggravate excess fungal growth in your intestines. Be careful to consume artificial sweeteners, because it can change the balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestine.

Fruits also contain fructose sugar which if consumed in excess can trigger fungal growth. The good thing is to consume fruits such as lemons, strawberries and kiwi which do not contain too much fructose.

2. Foods that contain yeast

Alcoholic beverages are also one of the intake which is prohibited on candida diet because it contains yeast. Alcoholic beverages such as wine are made using yeast in the process. Other foods that contain yeast include aged cheese, vinegar, bread, baked goods, smoked meat, mushrooms, and leftover foods that are warmed up many times.

Food that must be added

1. Foods that contain probiotics

Taking more probiotics to increase the amount of good bacteria in your body is one of the important points in diet candida. In theory, these good bacteria will help suppress fungal growth in your body. You can eat yogurt or other foods such as Kimchi and Oncom as a source of probiotics. Another option is you can take probiotic supplements.

2. Green vegetables

Green vegetables do not contain too much yeast and contain vitamins and iron to help boost immunity. Therefore, it never hurts to increase the intake of green vegetables in your daily menu. Either it is made into vegetables or juiced and processedsmoothies.

Does this diet prove useful?

According to the Mayo Clinic, reducing the consumption of processed sugar and white flour can make a person feel better in general. However, this is allegedly due to changes in diet that shift towards eating more fresh foods and whole grains, not because of prevention of the growth of yeast in the digestive tract.

This Diet Can Help Reduce Mushrooms. Want to try?
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